The Gavelyte, March 1908

Oratorical association met an11' Philos . s 0 ~ I ~ Ti· J f ~ ht1ar,I the interesting reports of our Philos have lrnen having improved rerrr>3entative3, McClellan and Brig- !meetings, and with the addition of ham. LE>t's get ready for next year. j the y,)unger members of our school ----- - -- i family they hope to keep up their Th!:' stags met thi:3 time at Bache- i work and in~erest next :erm. T~e !or's Hall and mPt-riment ran riot. I programme tor the coming term 1:. Therr was plenty galore, and every , arranged nrnn laid uy in store. .Just watch us! when it comes to our great layout. ! Philosophi es . The room was beautifully tlecorated J The Philosophi<:s have bePn h~wing with the colors, royal purple and i some interesting meetings ever since d . . . I whitP, music an singing- was 10 I the decree of the Faculty, concern- abundance and the soc ial element 1 ing next term's literary work was an– waR splendid. These meetings afford I nounced. There has been an increase a pleasant relaxation to busy men. \ of attendaoce, greater interest is lie- \ ing taken and each numher of the 15'he Gavel Club. ! programme has been · rendered and navel ('.lub has had sevPral meet-! been very good. The debates during · d I ""ary l·u~,·nc. 8 .., I the past month have been excPllent. rngs, an muc 1 nece.-,,.., , · ,. ·" 1 has hePn cared for - the words most i hPard at their meeting are, "motion'', ·':N·ond it'' n.n<l "passNl 11nanimol1sly." Y . M . C. A .