The Gavelyte, March 1908

THE GAVELYTE , --·---~--------------------- ThofllaS Jefferson. i minutes long, is the shortes~--address I of its kind. He was not an orator, BY w. R. M'CHES lEY, PH. D. but he was keen, clear, pointed and Thomas Jefferson, ''the sage of' practical in his speeches and writings. Monticello" and third president of He was the first Democrat of his the United States, was born April 2, party, though they wr,re known ac;; 1743 and died just a few hours earli- 1Republicans then. Their principles er than John Adams, seconrl presi- I consisted in the doctrine of "State dent of the United States on July 4 ! Rights" and were opposed by the l l I 1826. I Federalists, who labored for a cen- While a student · at William anri tralized national government. Ham– Mary college he devoted twelve to ilton was his leading antagonist in fifteen hcurs a day to his books. He politics. was proficient in mathematics, Latin,., Aar0n. Burr ~nd Jefferson tied for Greek, Italian, ·Spanish, and French, the presidency m 1800; but fortun– having learned the last language ately for the young nation, the House when a boy of nine years of age. of Representatives after 36 ballots The law was his prof!:'ssion, and in chose Jefferson, Burr by the law at those days of light fees, he astounded j that time becoming vice-president. the colonists by reaping an honest in- The purchase of Louisana pushed by come of $3000 in his first year's Robert Livingstone for $15,000,000 practice. was the leading feature of Jefferson's He was posessed of profound relig- ~rst administration. J~ffers?n fear– . . . rng the loss of popularity did all . he 10us c~nv1ct1ons and. reverence. of a could to prevent the Louisiana pur– very liberal type, which led him to chase during his administration. deny the divine and miraculous in the Jefferson was the author of the life of Christ, bu~ gave him an ex- I "Declaration o~ Indepelld~nce" and traordinary respect for the moral figur~d l~rg~ly 1n the frammg of the h f J . const1tut1on. He was the greatest c aracter. o esus Christ. It was of the Democratic presidents and de- through his efforts that the colony of serves a place among the seven best Virginia held its historic day of fast,- I presidents of the ~nited States. ing, humiliation, and prayer, June 1, He was unqualifiedly opposed to 1774. Severely democratic in his be- : human slav~ry and _e~erted h_is utmost r . efforts for its abolition. His success iefs, he ref~sed to recieve or use i due to three things, talents care- any ?uman t1L_les. fully trained, untiring work, and His first maugural, only fifteen plainness of life and manner.