The Gavelyte, March 1909
.i(i Till~ GAVELYTE, you are we can not s_e nd yr, u an invit,ation. · This Home-Coming committee, as it is called, was appointed at the last rt>gular me~ting of the Alumni Association for the purpo~e of getting all of the former Students of the Colle>ge, Alumni, Professors, and Friends of the College to come to Cedarville during Commencement week of this year. By former Students we mean any person who has .attended Gedarville College at any timP, regardless of the length of time of attendance whether one term, part c,f term, one year, two years, three years, or finished the course, all of which we have told you before and why is it necessary to repeat it? One of the first difficulties which the committee met was the financing question but after calling together these of the Alumni in Cedarville and re– ceiving their promises of support we thought maybe we could attend to that side The next was whne are t~e former students? The name we can obtain from the College records; but not their present addresses so we have called, in vain, upon any one who happened to know their present location. Now tbey are destined not to receive an invitation and it is not our fault. All whose addresses we know will receive a copy of this month's Gavelyte so you can reari this article and take it as your invitation . Our funds may rnn luw anri you may not hear from us again for a month or so. Do not complain if you do not get one; blame your friends. Mi8l, Louise Smith has been kind and sent us several name~. RPv. Robert Wilson has offered a suggestion, which we think is a good one, to have> a time set apart during Commencement wet>k for a Ministerial con– fe>renre>, ~8 seve ral of the Alumni and former students are ministers. Mn;, . Ke>nneth S. Hamilton, of I The Home Cumrng committee 1s in Bloomington, Ill., was here visiting I receipt of a Jetter from Rev. C. A. her frie>nd, Miss Louise Smith. I Y?ung, of .Philadelphia, the pre~ident Prof. .J. C. Marshall is the proud I of _ce_darv1ll e Coll~ge Alumm As– uncle of a baby boy born to Prof. ano I soc1~t1on. In speaking of the Home– Mrs. L. 1'. Marshall, Wednesday, Mar. j Comi~~· Rev . Young sP.ys:_ "We are lOth. The ,parents have our congrat- ! planning to be there thru 1t all, and ulati9ns, and the boy our best wishes. I to meet ma.n~ of the old crowd. Is . May he grow to he usefu I to his par- there any way that I can help?" This ents' alma mater. ' is what we like to hear: where there
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