The Gavelyte, March 1909

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. .7 --- -- is a will there is always a way. As j Bereaved. no~ed in another place Rev. R. 8. 1 Wilson }as be~n heard from. He ; Mr. E. B. :McClellan has the deep– says: Mrs. Wilson and I expect to I est sympathy in his hour of grief he– be there." The committee is certain- !cause of the death of his mo~her. ly plea .ed to hear from these brethnn. :The students manifest.ed their respect Who will be the next? I by contributions of flowers. ' Philosophic j The boy's team that <lehate<l The work of the Philosophies has i Muskingum last year is compose<l of been vP,ry good during the winter j Kenneth Williamson, '10, Erne.:;t term. At the la. t joint mPeting of I McClellan, '09 an<l Wm. Hawt.horne, the two societies the program was !'09, all of our society. We wish - interesting from begining to end, and I them all success, especialll the girls, there was a larger attendance than I as it is their first attempt; and we u. ual. It is hoped that this will con- hope that after March 16, it will be tinue. an established fact "that Cedarville - . The girl's debating team will meet CA debatr." the Mu. kingum girls on March 16. 1 • Y. M. C. A. Two of thr drbaters .Jeannette Orr, Mr. Waide, our Y. M. C'. A. dt>l t>- '()fj and Alberta Creswell, ' IO are I gate to Dayton, has not yet made hi8 Philo8ophirR, al so the alternatL', Verna rt:>port, but we expert it . oon . We ninl. 'll!'l. ht•ar thr rl' was some int r rPsting nr-