The Gavelyte, March 1909
.-,, > THI~ i;AVELY'l'E, I t.ion that took placP at that placP. I accord ingly on the 6 :B7 train, March The President's Confe{·ence, this yPar, J 11. and were greeted by our boys, was curnbined with the State Con - j who were on the job, ~fte r con– vention . ~pt a sho rt wqile remains I dµc -tin_g tb:e.m .tp Dr. McChesney's, in which to aligq yourse lf with this i where introqqctions fol!owe.d, our organ ization. · ··Encourage the men -1 boys escorted ,th~m to the,gy..m, whern who have the success of this cause at in a splendid ·C:OA11test, they de– heart. _by agreeing to help on com- 1feated our girl~; but our girls had mittie', etc . 1 profited by practice, and so succeed- Lincoln Night. I e~ in gathering 11 points as against Our societies commemorated the 126 for the Black and Magenta. Miss natal day of our great War President I Montgo~ery and Miss Brindley were by holding a joint meeting in Philo j' very active '.orwards, while Mi~s Stor– Hall. A splendid ancl varied program mont and Mi ss Beckley played good of essays, declamations, orati ons, games. After it was over, C. C. readings and debate were rendered. ruhbed it into the Xenia. Lyrics with · A goodly number of the townspeople Ia vengeance, winning by the score of gathered with us that even ing to ! 50- 29. Confarr and Williamson piled show their re:-:pect to the emancipator.! up 42 points between them, the floor Muskingum Girls vs "Our" Girls. work of Ll oyd being very spectacular. Our men have a pretty good hold on the county championship now. Then we adjourned to .. the college halls, Feb. 12th, our girls went to Mus- where a spread was given in honor of kingum to play ball. They were es- the visiting girls. Both sides mani– r orted to the train by a large body I fested good sµirit, taking turns in of stuclents, and were mPt by an even I singing their college songs._Ou_r girls larger delegation at the other end I deserve encou ragement for -the effort ThP gamfl was played in the evPning, j they are putting forth . and the result was unfavorable to us, I :,«, Muskingum wi nning 38- 5. Our gi rl s_ 1 Kenneth Williamson:- Jus.t wait tho~ght they would <lo b~tter 0 11 . until you get the n:iumps _Bub, you their own floor, so they practit:ed I don't know what it will fee l like. f~ithfully for ~hree ~veeks, having d~~ I Ernest F.- Dh yes, .I ,. do. .. It. will c1ded to try 1t agarn. A bunch of Ibe an inward fePl in_g of 0.utward all lovely maidens came riown to C c. I overishnPss .- •· 11 ' '
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