The Gavelyte, March 1909
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. Seminary Students Visit C. C. Local News. Reporters j GRACE BECKLEY, '12 j I WENDELL F'OSTER, '12. 59 Mr. Paul Livings tone, of Xenia Sen-.- Prof. Allen (in Bible):-Review ev- inary, and Mr. Walter Getty, of Alie- erything we have had this term for ghany Seminary were the representa- our next lesson. tives of the . P. boarcl to our col-I Paul Ramsey:- If you have 1 test lege, recently, to present to the I will you be apt to ask for the story minds of the students the opportuni-1 of Ruth? I t_v of the ministry and mission field. Wendell Foster:- I wish he would, Mr. Livingstone spoke splendidly on that is the only thing I know. the need of more ministers and some I E F"ost I w R'tt · . . . . er:- guess m. 1 er 1s of the qualtfications which they l going to Muskingum with the debat- shou_ld h_avP. Mr. Gett:. presented I ing team. forcibly and eloquently. The Oppor- Archibald C.: - If he cloes I wish he tnnity of _the Hour". He na~ed I would stay there for he is persistent– three privileges: I st: c9ntact with j ly running off with,. my girl. many men and experience; 2nd. en-1 ter into the thinking spirit of the Confarr (the evening- of the Mus– age; 3nl world conquPst, an impera- kingum game) :- Foster, (Wendell of tive need. As. obstades, he ghowed: course) who are you going to take 1st, opening-s for other fields of work; home? 2nd, materialistic spirit of the age; W. Foster:- Miss Campbell. 3rd, lack of proper qualifications, on- Confan:- Oh yes, she goes <lown ly vissionary. The opportunity, the\ to our house to stay. - speake r said, called for men of heroic j It is the truth that hurts. mnuld. The delegates spent the day ! . in conferrin~ with our ministerial ' WA TED:- Locals, pure, witty class ~tudents. Mr. Living-stone s hould be jokes. veil known to C. C., hecause he was Frof. Fitz has taken it upon him- . one of the Mm~kingum debaters, who self to revise one of Muskingnm'::, were here two yt:>at'l'l a~o, and Mr. I songs. Down at the station Thurs– (~etty iR a g-rnduat.e of Monmouth, I day night he proposed that Wf> si ng We w...r,.. all muc·h helped by their I it thus "Come out Muskingum from prP~PnN' }lnrl thPir fnrc·pfnl words. j th,1t choo ,·hoo rah rah ."
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