The Gavelyte, March 1909

Iii) THBJ GAVELYTFi, I ,"am, ori was the . strongest_ man. J Mr. Ritter seems very ar,xious to ais strength lay in his hair and when Jaccompany the Jebators to New his hair, it was cut off, there was, Concord Tuesday. I wonder why? no strength there-. (Ervin .Journal.) I Monday night, Wendell F. calling My case · was brot before the j for B. E. who answered the door her– Faculty, from it to get att.ention. i self. "Are-are-you in?" At first I waited in suspense, and I Pop Waide:- Aunt Mary, why later in susp1msion. cant we have a iight in the living Pop Waide to Prof. Allen in 5th I room? hour class. Aunt Ylary:- Why there is some- Prof., what do you . think of I thing wrong with the gas fixtures those Stocking caps the girls wear?'. and every' globe I put on breaks. Prof: - I think the girls look too I Pop:-My I'm glad she blames that n.Par for anything in them. Jon tht> gas instead of me. C'ornelius:-I've had my hair cut a Prof. Allen:- Mr. Waide you may La ModP. IJ t ransla~e the next sentence. Linton: - YP~, it looks like it had I Pop 'A aide :--I Can't do it Prof. moved. i Prof. A: - Well Mr. Hawthorne you Prof. Fitz: -- Mr. Dean, I don't know may try i_t. very much about Hebrew but there is Hawthorne: - I can't if father one pa8sage which I think suit!-1 you can't. exactly. It is "Mene, Mene 'I'ekel Say did you hear about Waide try– Upharsin ." Do you know what it ing to teach "Genevieve" to our mrans? Librarian. Mr Dt>an: - It is translated thus: 1st student: How would green My Goo., My G-od why hast thou for- . saken me. bull-dog caps do, Professor? n y> kl , 1 I Prof. A.: Alright, but anybody 11racP >ec ey at supper tao e.- . d h h . h b that would wear one of those thrngs n,a a story t e ot er mg t a out a h b h . . I oug t to e s ot. man who had his face enameled. One 2 i d H b h I n< stu ent: - ow a out t e rlay hP heard a funny Rtory and whPn · k' p f ? stoc rng cap:;, ro essor. he laughed the en:imel broke. p. . A. -Oh I I h. k h c·,re P f All Y I . f rof. . . t 10 t ey " ro . en: - ou mean 11s ace broke into a smile. just too cute for anything. Prof. Smith :- I would call that G-. E B :- Profe~.~or ! I could just pat cracking a j 1 Jke. yon 011 thti back for tha.t.