The Gavelyte, March 1909
THE EXCHHNGE BH NI<. CEDARVILLE, OHIO. ORGANIZED 1890. We are steadily adding to our list of patrons the strongest men of the community. We solicit your patronage. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. Banking by Mail. "COLLEGE HTHLETES" F'nr the Be~t and Cheape~t line of Foot ·Ball anrl Basket Ball Tuggery. Al:u Tt>nni: llaeket~ and all kind" of Sp0rting Outfits and Supplies. Do nnt fail to see US for PRI(;ES, Ql ALITY, VARIETY, and a SQVHRe oeHL. CEO. E . M66K ®. CO., 36 So. Limestone=s t .. Spr_ingfield, Ohio. J. WILLIARD MOCfi, High Art Photographer, Jamestown. = - Ohio. AT CEDARVILLE, OHIO, ON TUESDAYS OF EAC' H WEEK. Special Rates To Students. The Sutton Music Store, 19 Green-st., Xenia, Ohio. Everett, P. C. Weaver, Bush & Gerts, Victor and Autotone Playt!r pianos. Phonographs and Records. EverythinS?; known in music.
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