The Gavelyte, March 1909

:· H ow Many Trips to the I Laundry ? * * * Corliss- Coon / Collars 2.s:. Newest Collar for . -- - outwear others. Sprmg • Yachting'' i\lark them and is a stylish. comfort- see. They are made able collar like our better and have "Outing," but lower. original strle. If your denier does not wil' il'!'ly supply yon write ... for ~t}JC booa a111l uarnf" v! dealer who sells the•e pluinly bette r collar~. Corli . s, Coon & Co., Chicago 2 for 25c HALLER, HAINES & HmmNs, 33 E. Main=st. = Xenia, 0. . NESBIT & WEAVER. Spring Suits The Best Produced at Every . Price. Fron1 $10 to $30 10 per discount to students. . Give us a look! Main=St. opp. Court House, Xenia.