The Gavelyte, March 1909
The Gavelyte. f VOL. IV. M ARCH , 1909. NO. 3 . Current Events. PROF. F. A. JURKAT. Since our last isRue Roosl:'velt has Leen superseded by Taft, and the hear ha~ given place to the opossun1. The animals are fitting typeR in same respects. The bear has stood for the la:-1t administration, as the corporati11ns and the graftn., can testify. They ha·re felt uneasy fur sner. y~ars, and have bPen looki ng fo rward to the time when the administration would change to one having t he opossum character– h,tic of lying low. The new Att0rney-General, Georg~ Wickersham, will bave an opportunity of showing whether he is the tool of Wall street or the friend of the people. Every· citizen ought to be able to namA the members of the cabinet, but probably seven out of ten are unable to do so. Particularly does it be– hoove pro~pective school teachers to know the li~t. for the question is asked quite often at teachers' examination. Here they are: St cretary of State, Philander C Knox; Secretary of Treasury, Willis Van Devauter; ~ecretary of War, Jacob M .. Dickinson; Secretary of Navy, George Von L. Meyer; SecrPtary of Interior,· Richard A. Ballinger; Secretary of Agriculture, .Janw':l Wilsc,n; Serretary of Commerce and Labor, Charles Nagel; Attorney- - General, George W. Wic.:kersham; Postmaster-General, Frank H. Hitchcock. Rince 1897, a IPngth of time unprecedentecl in our national history, there had been no gennal change in the cabinet per~onel, and even now there is a holdover in the case of James Wilson, the distinguished patriarch from Iowa. It is a great tribute to the abilities and worth of this man, that ·while Presidents tome and Presidents go, Wilson goes 011 forever. Another noteworthy feature of these later but by no means degenerate days, is the preRence of Democrats in RepuLlican cabinets, of which Secretary Dickinson, and his predecessor, Luke Wright, are examples. In the days of Benjamin tfarriHon ~,wh a prori>E>ding would havi> raiRfd a Rtorm of protr~t. from thr
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