The Gavelyte, March 1909
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 51 I logical way to create society spirit- , asserted the perfection of this paper; don't make the blunder of having the and time after time, we have appealed societi-es deteriorate into mere ma- 1to individual students and sometimes chines for grinding out points. I to alumni for articles that might I prove of interest to our readers; we Elsewhere in this issue you will I have been using well the splendid ma- , note the artic les on the Home-Com- I terial at hand; what more could be mg. Alumnus or former student, asked of any one? Just a few in– the success of thi:-; event rests ulti- stances of what we mean. Just a matel y with ) ou ; thf' \\ hole affair I short while back on the issui~g of from beginning to end has bePn or- I one of our numbers, one of o~ir stud– ganized for the purµose of bringing I ents vny sulicitously asked one of you in cl ose r touch with your alma I the staff, "Is there anything in it this mater, and to endeavor to send you j month?" We know the student; upon your way with more inspiring I space is predous; words fail us; we life ideal:. 'Phe quPstion i~ just thi,< can't articulate; to swear we are ls t he Cedardlle Co llege Home-Com- ashamed and therefore we wont give ing t o fall through because I can't vent to our feelings. More recently, see my way d ear to use a week's va- a devoted alumnu.:: wanted to know cation in returning to old sc~nes and I why we diun ' t put something in the to old me mori es ; or is to be that I paper, why we published articles that much mo re of a success hecause I you find in any hi~tory; now there is have decide ti to g race the , occasion I a young man with an admirable qual– with my presence? It's up to you. 1 ity, when used rightly and justly, a Which shall it be ? LE't you~ .wh o rt'- i critical spirit, but we might ask him ceive this numbe r, ponder this ques- why our modern newspapers print the _t ion fu lly , decide favorably, and re- likeness of George Washington every por t immediately to your Home-Com- i year, or why they publish articl E: s on ing committeP. ' 1 "Honest Abe" Lincoln? Why, you I can find thes~ in any hist)r!, why For the last few issues, the editor I waste space in such a way m the ·has been desirou of taking a good- I newspapers? We wish we could have natured crack a t th ose of onr stud- seen this young gentleman personal– ~nt body and al umni wh o have the ly; doubtless we could have convinced dispo 8 ition to pnsis tently " knoc k" I him of the fun c ti on of the college the r·ollrgP papt' I'. WP nevE' r have! pa per. And don i:> it. too, without I
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