The Gavelyte, March 1910
CKl>ARVILLE COLLEGE. GL -·- - - - - ------------------ Athletic News. New Lexington Cedarville Porter r. f. Dunlap On Ft>b. 22, our boys boarded the Diamond I. f. Fields morning train as the initial step Poling c. Palmer, Williamson towards a week's Basket Ball trip. Wolfe r. g. Dixon The first game wa played with the King l. g. McClellan, Palmer Famous "deaf" mute team of Colum- I Field Goals- Porter, 5; Diamond, bus, the only team able to scalp ourj4; Wolfe, 7; Palmer, l; Williamson, boys on the home floor last ~eason. J l; Dunlap, 1; Fields, l; Foul Goals – At 2 p. m. on the 22nd, the game Palmflr, 11; Porter, 5. started with the referee's whistle Next day, the 23rd, the "squad" and ended by the same signa,l 20 broke camp and finally pitched it at ~inutes late.r with the score 21 to 12 1 Shawnee, 0. Here our boys suffer~d 111 favor of the mutes. After an defeat to the tune of 39 to 13, WJl– intermission of ten minutes, the game 1 _liamson and Palmer still playing was resumed. In this half our boys superbly. came back like a base ball wh ich has The next and lc1st game of the trip just been slugged for a h0me run. was played at New Straitsvi11e, 0., The mutes immediately saw they were where some of our boys thot the in a new atmosphere which soon be- place was a coal mine instead of a gan to resemble a hurricane. Our town. However they found out that boys ~howed what good can come out miners could entertain as well as play of Cedarville in this half and with a l,all. The 1st half uf the game finish which looked like a cyclone to ended 15 to 10 in favor of ou r the mutes ended the game ~ith the I crew. The second half had hardly score 35 to 25 in favor of Cedarville. 1 commenced however, till New Straits– - Tireworn and sore our boys took ville began to tune their fiddles and the train for New Lexington, Ohio, set a pace hard to follow. The score which place they reach~d about 7 p. was tied at the 16 mark, at the 18 m. They immediately prepared to I nitch and again at 21 and 2~ stage. battle the local independents though I When the regular time was up the - -not in prime because of the one game J score stood 22 to 22. In the '' play– already played. Porter starred for ing-off" of this tie Palmer showed his New Lexington and Palmer, William- old time form by secilring the ball son, Pields, Dunlap, Dixon and Mc- 1 close to the basket and in making the lellan tarred fur C. C. I .cove ted two points after 45 seconds. Line up . 1 The Boy arrived at Cedarville
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