The Gavelyte, March 1910
I• l•ndn) ,•,·1•11i11~. 11111'1' 1•n111111 tlw g:inw thu ho,111~ th,• 111d l't nhtalilt· trip. i11t1·rl'. I «'f'lllt>t .. d 11p1111 t lw P I,, 11 l In \l.1:-,·h 1111r ''('n-l'd quad" 1·nnt,•. l!-1 'l'lu• girl:1 r;rntf:' 1"1111e tir t ,j 111rn1•d to \\ tlmingtnn. ( l \\ hen• whi<"h pr11\'Pd to lw I ht· fol tN1t 1 lwy n ·«·"i,·t>d tint' tn•atnwnt at thP I f1·minin«' ronl" t .. v,·r witn,• , Pd on h 111d-. nf tlw \\ ilmingtonianl'I Th tlw l11c·al t-loor. \VhPn tl1t, _1!:tllll' !.!.il'IH g11nw ('anw tm~t in whi ·h liss ncl 0 cl the ( rnngP and Hl111• t ri11111plwd lt,.,n,ha \nd rHon. nud Captain , tor- 0'1-1r th f ;ri>Pn and Wh1tr, by a ,·,,re n111nt wp11-1 thl· :1hining lightH for C. of 17 ton. Hoth !Pam. plny1>d ,·1111- ~ l' and a c·ante off ar to the Cluaker . 1 si. tent ball with ~Ji:-1 ·1·;,; ,\1itr.n, Thl' team a, a \ hole work d lik a I Mor ton and :\ n<ler:on in t hi> P '<''" 1- • lnC'k and came to life at the end of lent class. l he ~nd half with the •cor~ l 3 Lo 11 1 i ext the Boy; took p\lH, e., ion of against th m ' the floor and evidi>nc· d that th1-y al- Tht> Boys next took up the ''argu- so w re :-iupporter: of thP Orani!P ment" and like-wise Wf're weighed in and blue. ThP fir t half endt>d with tlw balance and found wanting, by I the tallie 26 to 20 in C. (": fa\"11r. one point. 1 C. C'. came bark in thP . eC'onrl half Line up and .'ummary. harder than ever and endt>d this \\ ilminglon C. C. 1 period with th ball direc·tl) UtJdn Bu::;::;py r. f. l•'ields Iour goal and the ,C'ore ! t1J :~() in Fordyee l f . Dunlap I Our favor. Carey c. William on Line up and , urnmary. 1 ;arnson r. g. Palmer Wilmington L'. ('. Ferguson I. g ]lixon Field' r. f. ~ldJillan Field t]oal: Fordyci>, ->; Palmer, I Dunlap I. f. rordyc ... -!; Carey, :~; Dunlc.1~. 3; r'iehl::;, ~; I William:,rn c·. 'orey Ferguson, 2: Bus.' ey, 1; and William- Dixon r. g. 1;arri:-;on :-on 1. I• oul fioals Palmer, H; I ralmer I g. }'t,rgn:-on Ford.) ce 2. ..'core 2-! to 23. I Field Goal I·'ordyce, ; \\ illicim- On ~Jarch 11, the (;ymn wa, the 1 , son 7; Palmer. 7; .\Jc·Millan, J; Dixon. :c·ene of two of the faste:,;t and best :3; Dunlap, 2; Field,, 2; Corey. 1. ganw::; P\'e~· • t:h_erluled. Hav'.~g '.nove<l I Foul Uoals-Palmt>r, 6: I•'oruyc·f', -! . to l'edarnlle 111 autP::;, \\ 1lm111gton --- -- - - wa:,; t11e agent of giving nur boys and I Hugh Turnbull is tudying un the girl::; a gc,od work-out. The hou e I violin, he has already learnecl how t,, wa, rrll\decl long before timr to I carry the <'8$P.
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