The Gavelyte, March 1910

, I 1'1 11•: I; ,\\ l•; J,) 'l'h,, 11• •i,tt•r la. t \l11nd .1y nij.!ht. ll waR I ht, t· h11111 liPfnrP tlw tin.t "lhrlwr" tn,11pt' :n?·n·Pd H11wnn• .'haw. t•: . - p,• riPn t'P 1. a gr,•:H IPa.t·hPr in thoil• <'HJI~ and g11wm1.• •.. v r mind frt>Hhil'"I you'll wrar I lwm omP day. .l11Ht hP pati,nt . All thinwi r•nmr to thmw who w;1it. l'itt,•r ha: h:11ult>d in hi1-1 n•:-1ignation I A:-1 LhP H B. t •am rf'lnrnttd from as pr :-idrnt of tlw kno ·k rR club. IV ilmington Prof. Allen boarclt1d thP llt>rt1's a good ehanrP for· a bright I train in 'Pnia ,'om£> onE> rrm rkPrl y,iung fpllo\, with :1 ~trong arm. to Hc>rtha that Prof. wa:-1 thPrn . i ;uanJ ,our wind Prof(lss )I'. 1 Bntha Raid "I knew that long ago," . I Prof. .I urkat had just finiRhP1 1 tPll– ing us of the Roman who :-1wam acros11 the Tiber three time lwfor break– fa t, when he noticed a Amile on'Bau– mert's fac . "You do not douht a trained . wimmer could do that, do you Mr. Baumert?" "No si r, but I rl'hibald ays he i. . orry he ha t11 graduate this , pring. as h get t irt>d of living such a , imp)fl life and traveling suits his health and -– hrttrr. Don't thmw nior' feel big though ST-ARLING-OHIO MEDICAL COLLEGE Mergement of STARUNC MEDICAL COLLEGE and THE OHIO MEDICAL UNIVl:.RSITY Department& of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy Collcae Ho,pitalo Protestant and St. Francis. Aooociated Hospitals Hawkes, St. Anthony, Mercy, Lawrence, State, and Ohio Penitentiary SESSION FOR 1910-11 OPENS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1910 W. J. MEANS, M. D., Dean Department of Medicine H. M. SEMANS. D. D. S., Dean Department of Dcntiot,y H . R. BURBACHER ,G.PH .,Dean Department of Pharmacy For Catalogu~• and Information Address Starling-Ohio Medical College 700-716 Park SL Columbua, Ohio