The Gavelyte, March 1910

,,pt1,· 11,•1,·,·. Pl tlw ,,11,wl•ll), ,11· th,• ~11 t 1(111\', 111 !n1wh 111'1'\t• 1 !1• Thuai th,• 11lt'd11 "" ,•nnt.11'1, 1w1 '" lin,•., nnd inq,n• sii11111, th,·n p,•11·, pt11111 H I h,• I i11w p,·1,·,•1,t i1111 I'll. \It'•• II ma11y m11ditii-at in, :ind I ran f11r111•1ti1111 or th,• p1i111iti,1· impft·~. ion :.l tlw r11,i11t 111' ('llll ad h,l\'I' t:ik,•11 pl,1<'. thut 1111• id I f11rn11•d hr p,,n·Ppti,,n ,. 111 in 1111 ~1'1181' IH' lik"r1t•d t.11 th•· ,,1,jt, ·t prnd11<'– i11g tlw ~t•ns,d1on and n•,11lli11J.!" in tlw 1wrr·i,pt1hl • id a. Th, id, 1 111' a tr·•· 1·.1n1111t n•.P111l,l1• lht> trPP or11f a man, tlw man Whatl'hangPd11n1 tak .. plll<'f' ,,1 that :t mat •rial nl•.jt't'l I rodtl<'ing a sPn:-atiun and that ultimately n• ulting in a pun· nwntal id11a lut,dl.v unltkP \\'haL it rPprP ·p1Jts i:-1 ~imply 1111Pxplain– abl1,. This is thP gn•,Jt m),-l ry 111' ph)~il0·1'·Y<hi1·al op1·rntion· that 111at.,rial ohjt->1·t: ln···om,~ idPa.' It i:,;; tlw pr11ti11g of tlH-' wa.,. fo1 rnatPriali m and ideali:-01. lt i: tht> nwk up1111 whieh dnali:-m build:,; and :lands and ~·Pt (·,innot explain. Tht> un ·olvf:'d and likelv 11nsolval,]p !JUPHtion i-. how ,•an n1111d perCt>IVP and know mattPr. Idt>alism Pxplains it away and h romP11 nihili:m. Jhtt>ri·il1sm refint>s mattPr and Pxplains it lty idPntifiying maltP-r :ind life, but U1 :1 i-, cnntr.try tu fact-i. dt>nit>d b_v S"iP.nC , and inr·1111c·Pivahle. · ll :;m declara.; th .. exi-.t nee of h ith m·-1.ttur an"! life a'! twi1 di.;tinct ~ubstance' <·,irrelating and co-operating, which i a statPnwnt of faC't. but not an Pxplanation. C '011:equently \\ e aJf' C'Ompelled lwrP as in othn , ulijeds of in,•p, tigatinn to admit the fact' and conf Pss inability to explain them. Thus we (']O:-H' perrPµtinn a' we lwgan, tht> power of con.'cinu nf' ·:-: tn knnw rnartPr, the eonneeting- link liet\\·nn thot and things, hetwPen ac:tivity and inactirity, bf:'twePn C'On cious1ws-, and thf> un('on:c·iou$, lwtwt>en lift> and dt>ath . Our rwxt artielt~ will bP nn K.t>pre-1Pntation. The Two East~rs. It wa: l<~c14ter morning and the sun. h,111e down on mothPr parth arTa) t-d in all her splPndor. ()n the lawn in front r,f ~Ir. Lh·ing-1tnn Haile}':,; home, the gastt>r liliP~ grew in uhundanee and liftrng tlwir waxen p~tals to the :,.:nn. lnoked likP tall white sc1ints. :-:tandi11g \\ith lhtir fates turnfd toward hPan•n in an at titudt> nf prayer. lnsidf:' the nrngnitin·nt hon,r. things werP quite diffnent. The hade were drawn and the, Prnrnt~ "Oftly tip-t11ed a1 ound nn the beautiful elvet carpets. ~1 r:,.: . Li, ing:,.:tnn Hailey lay pro:trate on a couch in one of the dark,..nPd r11oni~ an<l thP ,.Jd fomily physi,·i;111 ~eemeil very doubtful a. to her