The Gavelyte, March 1910

1111 1,\\1,1,'11, f1 t•q11,•11l h. 11,• 11111!, 1 d II 11111 ·h Iii,. h1•1 l1oil1 \\ h11 h1td Ji,, 'II td,•11 JU L I , t•: 11 .w 1 ,111d h,·r lwnrt ;ll'h1 1 d I,, hnld I h · lit f I,• !\•II,\\ in 1,1'1 111 rnM F111,tll t lw d1 11 i1· und ,•,111g1 ,. '"' i,,11 i11 nkt• r,,11 h 111111 1 lt, 0 I l:tll .. J11,J.ii1 1'11111 ll aud lir!l t· l:1111 ·1\\'11k,•111•d ,\. 111• 11111-.r, a ray 111' li rhl ln•:rmiri~ d1mn ltt1111 th•· t:11•aL \\ hilt• :ingt>l \\'hil'h . t,11,d with hand 11prai:t· l in p111p.. 11111l l, •IJl•di ·11111 in thi> :t:ri11,•d gla,s winol111\' ,.f thP t.ran•wpt, ft·ll fllll ,1n hi ~J .. Pp • I, •\\'ild•·rl'd 111 t I,• f;1t·e. '1lwn ln •1king 1111 inl" 1 lw l1t•a111 if11I fal'•· 11f thP larl\' 111• td him, Ii,, mu111111n•d "ma111111n. 111 1111111a, my n\\ 11 ti Par n1am111a." 'l'lll'n· ,,as :1 ,·ry of snrpri: t• and imna1.l.1lt>lr h\ \\' :&.' gathPtPd int,, hi · 111(1th .. 1'i-1 arm :inti l't1\"t'rt•d with a ~h,1wt--r of kis:-t--s and I hP angPI up 111 t lw wi11rlnw l11r,k1 d d 1\\ 11 anrl :n,ilt,rl. Alumni Notes. :urTe:-~fully trained a ,·l;i;,;,; of sing-1•r. I lit • for th• ('hri ·Lmas 1·antab1, i:- 110,,· l{eL Il ,llllf'f ~I dl ii an, '~l,, :\. t- lanta. (;a, . pt>nt a fpw day hnnw thP fir.'t of the month. at his directing an orntnri11, PntiLlt>d .J1•rusa, · !em, to lw givt>n in thf' near futurP. Miss An<irt'w ha· pro,·pn hF-r. Plf c;ipa- ~Jis: ~Jary En·in, ·o2. has been ' ble as a <lirector in mu:ic and then• i. tP;u.:hi11g i1t the ct11legt> for several nu doubt but thP romin~ t'\'ent will we •ks. ,'he is filling thl-' 1ilac-P of , be a grand ,'llC'l'eSB . Prof. Allen, who has hePn ab8ent on _ acrount of an injt1red vye. Toot, Toot, Toot! Rr,·. and ;\fr:- T. It Tt1rner, ·~~J. <,f Xew Tt>xas. Prt , arP n.. joicing ow•r ! Hert''s to th Phil ,'ociety . tlw ·11:.rival of a so11. 1 With memh rs of every Yaril-'ty ,\Jr,' . Hobt->rt \Yilson, ·oo. ,if Ill., I They won the tPn hone~. ha-; bei>n st>riously sick \\'ith appendi- , .'o snys .Joh11ny .Jones ,'EL,\H . ci1,is. Her mother was called to her They ~re still in the race liedsidl:' the firnt uf the month. And out for fi1:-t plrtce - I h \\' atch out they're a comi,,' ~l I'. ( ;e,1. (' . ,'tewart. ·u J, \\" lO . as been attending ~ledical ,'c:hool in And dlln't :,;top for nothin'. , 'EL.AH . l'inl'innati has gi,·en up h1~ work Ten dollars are good. but then tht>re for the ren,aindn of tlw yt-ar Tell more are better, again and will study l'hemi;;try rn the \\'e'II not rub it in f'nin, r:-it,· ,It ( '11lumlin:1,, () Till Wt' do it agin. ,'EL..\11.