The Gavelyte, March 1911

l'Hf1; 'AV~LYTh., Mr. Earl M Cl •llan s v 'rely sprain<'d 'annibal I How rhd your hi f get his ankl in the girls bask t ball pract- that atta k f hay f v r? i c! ltha be n sugg s ted that he use annibal II Il ate a graRs widow. ith r linam nt or mending tissue oh it. I Th Stud nt. T acher ·'How dar you swear be- , He - "What would you do if 1 kiss d fore m !" 1 your hand?" cholar "How in thunder did I I , She- "Well, I should consid r it very know you wanted to swear first?"- Ex. , much out of place. " - Ex. tudent's letter- "Dear Dad: I'm I QUITE A OME DOWN. sick and have no money." "He slipped on the polished floor and Dad' reply- "I'm well and have killed himself." "Sort of a hard-wood finish, eh?" plenty." •'When do the fast males leave Cam- Th F H . ?" 1 e oster ouse was the bridge· unprecedented festivities the "Nearly every night," the oratoi:ical contest. -The - Harvard Lampoon. I jammers had a "blow out." l =·., - Ex. scene of hight of Katzen- MR. WENDELL FOSTER: C. C's. Representative to the .State Oratorical Contest.