The Gavelyte, March 1911
., Th , ~horlc l po m on t1t1t,d. " '( h, nt1qui y and t't>ads lhttR: " dam Hn<l'l"m. .. E. ...-- r<'cord i, n I ~ id hl'r doctor, ••'Tii~ plain f Microb s Y ur ar killing your:i<'lf hy <I gr 11. I Th<' S. II. C. Record. One upon a tim wh n thl• Am ri– ll can Literat.ur clas wa in s ·ssion Mc- Fr •ghman ''Whcr ar th bath- Jell an ask d Profsssor Agnes Smith r m to be in ~?e ~ew dormitory?" · I what the dates of th first p riod wer . ophomor It. a Freshman house, Prof. threw up her hands and said ' h ' ' th re won t b any bathrooms. t ey re I don't commence to as ask for dates so going to put in vacuum cleaners. " - Buf-1 soon. falo ourier. . I t is said upon good authority that An baugh: "Say Dettinger, you the Philadelphian Literary Society has don't need golf-sticks to play on these one honorary member for attendance. links." 1 Mr. Raymond Bull is said to be the Dettinger: "What links?" proud possessor of the title, and the Ansbaugh: "Sausage links." secretary's book shows over 50 points Little grains of powder, to his credit for attendance, alone. Little dabs of paint, I USEFUL INFORMATION. Make a girl's complexion I "May I see my father's record?" . h . . 'tl I Look hke w at 1t. am · · asked t he new student. - The Black and Magenta. t he class of '77." "He was in TERRIBLE TORTURE. "Certainly, my boy. What for?" . ''He told me when I left home not to A maiden at college named Breeze, I disgrace him sir and I wish to sec WeigheddownbyB. A.'sand M. D 's, j ust howfar 1 l ~an go."-Bu ffalo Ex- Collapsed from the strain. • press. EVERY SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER has often heard cln'-s-members sav: '' I cannot understand the Bihie" They could not understand any other hook ilrnt was printed three hu ndred yt:ars a1to. So many English words of that day were di fferent. More than forty new dictionaries have been required ~ince the11 , t0 ket>p up ,-,-ltl, the changes in the English language. The A,nerican Standard fif5IJ 6r 11,,. • Edited by IJl1 American Revision Committee u; , .... e uses the words of our day. which make the mean– ings of the Bible writers dear to us. Write for Our rree Booklet, "How We Got Our America• Standard Bible'• No teacher can afford to be without it Thos. Nelson & Sons, Publlshers. £. 18th St., New York Bible publishers for 50 yeur~
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