The Gavelyte, March 1911

I' l~UA I{ V lLL}; CULL.1'.X:E. , 8 --------------·- - -· - Silently he gazed upon the still white I will mate rializ . A Student Volunteer form before him. How long and tedious I Band will he lp keep up the interest in had his jo"J rney been, and now night : the gt'eat work of foreign missions and was fa t app,·01ching and newas alon · I give an impetus to 'th work which Alone, ah yes! al one, but not a sigh or I ne ds the earnest and car ful consid r - groan escaped his set lips. But sud- ation of ev ry c::>11 ge stud nt. denly he roused himself and picked up I It is also announced today t hat Mr. his sp:>on. He must eat that i:!e cream I Funnel, who spoke las t Friday, will before it melted. - Kiiikilik. will again lecture F.riday morn, March Some of the boys are trying to inter- I 7 ,. on Life in Ne~ Zealand. Mr. Evans ~ . .. . . . will accompany him and favor us with cs .. cap1ta!1sts to put m a tract10n lme a nember of solos. All fri ends of the from Cedarville t~ Jamestown or at college are coo·di~lly invited to be pres– least about four miles out. These fel- ent .at what promises to be one of the lows only want two caTS a day, one to '. best exercises of the year. leave Finney's at about 7 p. m. and I the other to a rrive in Cedarville at 5:30 1 - -- --- a. m. Anyone knowing of people 1 ;.~ ~,;;,'::~,::~:~;;:f,:~-::~:~,;:t::~, .. ~: ~,;fJ,:~,:~:~1;:i,:~-::~:!;;;,'::~.:.-~:,:.: • ,i:; .;t! wishing to in:est their money see one l t~ Every Friend and Alumni of j of the following, W. F. Foster, S. E. Ir{: Cedarville College ... Foster, or H. W. McGaffic. II ~;:: . . !} ',.~ W1 hmg a Copy of the \~ Xenia Seminary Students ! W,) JUNE ANNUAL il Lecture on the Volun- I ;~i Drop a Ca rd to the GAVELYTE } teer Movement. J tt"..., ..,.,,."·.. -,..... ,a.. t-~~ce ....., .. ~ ..,·, · ,····"·.. ,-,.~ • · •.·:e·,.::•·, . .·:• ~.:,:.•, ..·:•··· :,·• .. ·:e:. •:--·• .. ·:e·:1:-. • ..··• : . ·:•·• ·· · I Last Friday morning five men of I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Xenia Seminary talked most forcibly and helpfully to C. C. students u r:on the work of the Stud nt Volunteer - Movement. Each man talked from a different phase of the subject. After the hour of chapel services and the 1 good lectures a meeting was held of • students interested in Missionary wo1 k . and plans were made to organize a Volunteer Band among C. C. students. ' The course of missions which has been carried on the past year 1 as had a great influence in creating an intf'I'est in mission work and it is ho)led that int' e near future the µlam; im:mul· tcd I Rensselaer Established 1824 Troy,N.Y. Polytechnic . Engineering and Science lnslltute Courses in Civil Engineering (C. E.), Mechnnle11I En– gineering (M. E.) , Electrical Engineering (£. E.). and General Science (B. S.). Also Special Courses. Unsurpassed n ew Chemical, Physical, Electrical, Me– chanical nnd Materials Testing Loborntories. For catalogue and Illustrated pamphlets showing work of graduates nnd students and views of buildings en ,' campus, apply to .JOHN W. NUGENT. Registrar.