The Gavelyte, March 1911
Vnund1 d h · Uw I ;t•nPral \ . "l1•mbl), I ~;1 ~lr . A. C. Taylor 1he We tern Thcologi al emmary -: ·or t h , ' idP, Pit . hu ~. I' 1. 1 A comp! •le mod •rn lhP ·1loi~1,·nl ,·ur All the Lates t In 1 1 riculum. with l l<'<'liv<• co1 1rsf's I, ading to Lhc cl •gre of B. D. Gra l11al • · ,ur ,. Fin Millin r. d M ' ll' J of lh l ' niv n, iLy of PiL H mrg, I, arling an 1 Inery to clegn • of A. M. nnd P h. f>. , ar • I op n to prop rly qualified Rlud •nlR of 1 the S minary. nusual pp rtunitics for inv,•sti- 1galions in social ancl H ttl1·m ·nt work. Nov lt i s I Exceptional library fa c ilitie . J O I I or 111 rn rn1u1l"11 \ JI ,I.\ 111 • • arr.e town, · i Pres i dent Ja~es A. Kelso. Limestone-St. --~~~~~~~~~~ : ~~~ ~~~-~~--- i BASTIAN BROTHERS CO. I I CLIFTON BEDFORD ! ~:-~ew.ARROW ! ;}\{_otch COLLARS i 15c.,~ for 2oc, Cluett. Peabody &:; Co., Ma.ke111 · tt WHHW nnttwww• COSTUMES and SUPPLIES FOR CLA PLAT' and A:VL\TEUR THEATRICAL 1 Manu fac turing .Jewe ler and l~ngrave r. Class and Fraternity Pins. Engraved Invitat:ons and ProgTams Rochester, N. Y. Oep't No . 555. "Select Folks" _ _ 1 T~e best Lecturer~, Enter- FOR ALL . ta1ners, and Musicals for FAVORS OCCA£IONS I courses in cities o~ small hamlets. Send for circulars 61 and 71 E . ST TE ST, COL UM8US, OHIO. I and prices. THE COIT LYlEUM llUREAU. I I Citizens Bldg. Cle veland, 0. , I
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