The Gavelyte, March 1912

CEDAl{VILLE COLLEGE 283 Rohler & Truesdale --Dealers In-- Fresh and Salt Meats, Bologna, Sausage, Groceries and Fruits. Fish and Oysters in Season. --------·-------------·---•wwwwwwwnaw..-,,.......,~ CENTRAL HOTEL AND RESTAURANT R. P. McLEAN, Prop. SHORT ORDERS A SPECIALTY PHONE 85. CEDARVILLE, OHIO U ilWIIRi'I Steam and Dry Cleaning Fine R<']~H,iring· . a Specta.l ty E~tnhli· h,~cl rn H,54 Having taken up the J THORB CHARTERS agency for Hale's Steam & • Dry Cleaning Co. of Xenia, (S u ceeRi::or to George ('l1a.rters) I am now able to take care of all such work. Ask for prices. DWIGHT STERRETT. C. C. Laundry Agent XENIA JEWELER and OPTICIAN Lane -TtlE- OHIO ..Theological Seminary.. Hill '"fop Grocers Cincinnati, Ohio. McFARLAND BROS. Eighteenth Year, Proprietors. 1ncreased Attendance Are glad to servR yo ur neechi, and always llave tile season's be~e clain- Enlarged Faculty ties on hands. See t1rnrn for spreacl::i, Modern Curriculum feeds, banquets, etc Address: - PHONE GI. PRES. WM. McKIBBEN N. Main St., Cedarvilie, Ohio.