The Gavelyte, March 1912

The Gavelyte VOL. VI. MARCH, 1912. NO. 12 A Mock Wedding~ Since the advent of certain young ladies into CedarvUle College it has been the custom for the past few years for the girls ot the college, to gather to– gether at the home of one of their number, and there, with all the pomp and ceremony o( grown-ups, they have the one g reat event of the season, the mock wedding. On the night of February sixth, the g irls, firm in the belief that the boys knew nothing of it gathered at the home of :viiss Bertha Anderson, on Pitts– burg Avenue for the wedding. Rut although they thought the boys knew nothing about it, they spent about a half of an hour in hanging flat- irons on the keys and nailing the doors and windows shut. And then they were positive th;:,t even if those horrid boys did find it out they could not get in and they were right-almost. About eight o'clock, by some mysterious means, we know not how all the boys iust happened to meet each other at the corner by McFarland's grocel'y, and decided that there was to he a wedding and that the boys would break it up . So they advanced upcrn the house in a silent determined manner And after trying all the doors and windows and climbing over a few porches a way for entrance was discovered. Mean while things were progressing rapidly in the house . The guests had all assembled and the wedding had commenced; and while the soft sweet strain·s o( Lohengren's bridal chorus were softly stealing out from the parlor,– fiftee11 hungry boys were softly stealing in through the coal schute and up the cell 1r stairs. eedless to say the wedding stopped. And those young ladies who were clothed in masculine attire made a quick getaway to the second story. \Vhile tlie Mesdames Harriman and Townsley two faithful member of "Tl1c Old Gua:-d," firmly stood their ground at the foot of the stairway, and liravely dared any one of the victorious horde ever so much as to think of go– i11g up t!Ju e stairs After a moments hasty consultation among tlicmselve ,