The Gavelyte, March 1912
I' I• 'l~ 'l 11 TI I II I , ~ oil Ohio. I' \ l' I I' \I r II t l 11 )1, ., ! \ I I Lei t, r, Cl \ >H'IRt I rl t I Lo.. d I: hr ,r .\ lu•11·11 I• I t ,r L•htn,, T\T'J . I I II d I\ lJ C p •!'>itiou t l 11rl , 1u r \\,Ir lit t h '-'l WI he l11r Iii lllllll, L a~''\<>llr K11d.1k l>·,tl>p111g 111,l l'1inting at , ',1 ll, Cn,ctr . rn . :\11,r. ond Tr, ,11r r A, t \[ 1n1>ir• r :\lailirw < 'Jprk Pro[. Le;11y ,\lieu went to In inn 1 on Saturd.t\, n·t11rning I'11t· d,1\ m·rrn iug. He was attcnrling •· fln \\ urld ·· tie great mis~iun,ir 1 c hibi i1111 \\ ht h i being held in th,\t pl,1cc. Pruf I . J11rkat was ,ds,1 ,1 \'isit,,rw th' ,;,1rne hihition 11n ::',londay ,tnd Tue d,1\. I Tl "\ p \ t L H \ \1:-. \ 1 l \\ hilc the olc1 l'artr pnliticians are h 1:-.:inCT forward tn the . 'atil•n:11 Cl 11- \·ention, which ,ire t1> he held in Chicago ,nd Baltimore. fnr the l'epuhli 111-, and · re-,pt.>cth ely, each p,1rty expecting tu place a m,in in h · tie id \,ho h.1. .di the m·ces,ary qu.1litic,1tiu11. tu win the big conte t, and whil1• the third part,, f'rul11bitinns, are end ea, oring to make a gnod .hL wing, at le,1 t, (w,i dd t(l G id that they had the faith to e.·pect to win,) also a the Ba'-e H,dl f,rn are gettin~ anxious for the bail to:-ser. to g t to \\11rk, an i ,111tomobili.t are µlan11in~ to make the h\·e hundred m irk at an aver.ige ~peui of mure than 7 miles per hour at the big race which will he THtlled ()ff at Ir dianap<1lis on memllr· 11 day, it is rather gratifiing to \ that even thu.e of II wlware not 111 the tliicke t of the tray may a t lea t ful– luw the e n.1ti 111,tl eYenL from a di cance and then to we are compelkd to re– member th 1t it will be only a few shurt weeks till in our midst, will occur one o[ the crreatc·t en nt in the hi.-tory of thi. old world. On June 7th, 1!ll2, hav– in~ nni heu. tl1e1r work in thi_ noble Chri'-tian in titution the member uf the gnduating cl 1,s, Jrmed with thf'ir diploma , will tep forth into the wurld of real't~. determn. ·d to right the wrong~ l f life, tu ·ettle all the gre;:rt que tion · which ha\ e for -u lung been puzzling the brain of the world's pm, er[u I thinkers. and in a month from that ttme, we dare ay, the ma1urity of thu C' e,1me'- )Olli\~ men and wnmen will have become awake to the fact that the urlJ i a ".,,reat bi~ place after ,Lil, and that thl·re are tl.uu.and· of t>ther a
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