The Gavelyte, March 1913
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE Boys' Athletic Notes. On January 10, the boy's team journeyed a long way up to Findl ay , and were defeated by a large score. We had it impressed on our minds again this year that the Barnhardts are cxceptionaly good tossers. The res ult of the game was 61-9 . W ednesda y morning, January 15, we le ft for a three game trip in Perry County, playing New Lexington Jan.15; Junction Cit y, Jan.16 a nd New Straits– ville, Jan . 17 and return home Jan. 18. At New Lexington we ran up ag ,iinst a bunch of "robbers." The dirtiest a nd meanest bunch o f ball pb yers imaginable, The game was we ll played by Ced – arvill e, but with all our efforts we lost by a score of M8-~5. While at New Straitsville W;) played a team that neve r has been defeated on their home floor. When you learn that the fastest team of Day ton, the St. Mary's Cadets, met det eat from t his team by almost as large a score as we di d you see that there i~ still some hope. We were defeated by a sco re of 64-24. The s..:ore at Juncti on City was 08-::il Cedarville me.t the Muskingum five o~ our own floor, Jan. :t4. The game was a h a rd one but Muskin gum took the med " l by a sco re of 52-24. At Muskingum. our boy':; were al so deteated !:ly a score of 98-13. Two games have been played with Anti och These games were expected to be good and Cedarville expected to me et the ir match. The sco re of the game here was 21 -ll o f th e game at Yellow Springs was 48-18 With the game with Findlay College, Wednesday eveni ng, March f>, the bas– ket ball season for Cedarville c loses. Taking all thin gs in to cons ide rati on we can ca ll the season successful. All the members ot th is years team a re Fresh– men excep t one, and this is his first year as a member ufth e varsity. At the begin ning o f the present season we had Earl McClellan and "Doc" Loyd. But soon after the season began these two deserted our ranks and many predicti,,ns were put forth as to Cedarville 's down fall in Basket ball. But with tha t well kn own Cedarvillian spirit we persisted, until now at the close o f the 1912 -La seasun we hav e a team whi ch is equal to the average Cedarville varsity. At right turward we had Pa ul Creswell, who has brought much g lory to him– self, through his stea dy persistent playing. For a first yea r man he has done fine, and will in his later years prove h.imself a "star." At left lurward we had Bruce Anderson, who at the beginning of the season was elected mc1n ,1ger. H e has se rved us as a faithful manager and an excel– lent forward . He has the honor of ho ldi ng the highest individual sco re for one game, throwing ten field goa ls and two fouls in the Edg~mont game. Center Juhn Cullins, held down the must d ifficu lt position very well. He was nut always looking fur :i cha nce to make a grand stand play, but when the time ca1n e fur him to mak e one he ge nerally delivered it. William Cullins, left guard. Afte r the second game we made a great find in the pers;n of "Bil l" Collins. •Aft er severa l games Bill's opponent congratulat– ed him un being a sple ndid gua rd, and he undoubtedly was a close, clean, 11
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