The Gavelyte, March 1913
The Gavelyte VOL. VII . MARCH, 1913. • Cedarville College. A APPRECIATION. • - • NO. 3 The munificent bequest o f $20,000.00 by the lat e Jamf.s Archer to Ceda r– ville Cl,llege prompts a wo rd at this time in behalf of this very worthy edu– cational in titution. TI-IE LOCATION i in it elf an attractive and strategic one . Lying in the garden spot of ' the state in a country rich and progres ive with a people intelligent and loya l there i no reason why this college should not grow in numbers and influence every year. 1 he ease with which thi institution can be reached from any point East of the Mississippi or West o( New England is well understood by all. Cedarville with 1000 inhabitants exclusive of the college students has a ll the healthfulness and restfulness of the country, while at the same time it has the conven iences of town life and is witl,in easy rea ch of Xenia, Columbus, Spri11gtield and Daytun. T IIE l\lORAL ENVlRONi\lE NT also is an exceedingly a ttractive fe a ture of the community lite, especial ly to parents whose children are to be se1Jt away from home for an education . There is not on ly the ahsence o f the saloon, the dance hall, the theater, but a pirit prevades the community, hrought about by th e wise provision of proper and more eleva ting pastimes a nd rec r eations, which remove the popu– la, ity CJf and desire for such thin gs. Cedarville is by no means a dull o r lull(:ly place, hut quite th e contrary, and the social life of the community is co1J.;t,111tly maintained on a hi gh moral plane. TllE FAC'ULTY 'I lie college i" exceedingly fortunat e in the per onne l of its teache rs. Dr. M Chesney, tile Vice-pre ident, who i so wid ely and favorably kn(lwn to the c..lturc..h ,rnd the cuun try at larg , a sisted by a fine corps of teachers is giving tu the i11qi1ut1un 1 spi rit and tone clearly noti cea ble in the number of students
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