The Gavelyte, March 1913
11 I r I 11 I But the ,111 r , i11 tl\11 i1111 h,1 b 1:11 r,1t1idh d 111i11 . 11111 1,011 l 1111 ... ti,111 P"JHrl.1ti1111 ts"' r tl11rt, 1111lli1111 , tw,1-third f "111 h .11 · 111 tie, It\ , 1·,, 'i't,rk -ity ,done h,1 ight h1111drcd t h,111 ·,rn<l lllly ,rnd girl 11,1 1111d ·r the i11tl11c11c · of ,111y l hri ti,111 llr ,,,1 iutiun . • ,it nnh an: the hr1,t1,111 lllrl'l''- losing their inl111e11cc, hut till y .1r~ hcing r eplatecl with nther rl li,.!i1>11. l'l1i ,uh,tituti.,n of the Chri,ti 111 Church c an well b e defined ,1 the "he.1th 11 1nv,1 j,,11" :\Ir . LeP11,1rd \\'o,1dr11ff well ex– pre ~d the ituation . "\\'h I• th Clrnrche · of :\meric.. .ire p ndin~ •:!:i,IHIO,IIOO annu 1lly in the c 1u ·e of r l>r i,;n . I io11 ·, the pagans h,n·c c 'Cltttd ,111 ,,m.11- ing mov e ment 'I he, h 1,·e. ent their cmi :,1rie tu u Toda\ the 111kling, p gan temple bell· rin~ out with .1 deri ive, J,1rring 1wte in thi. Christi,111 I. ind·· an F rrtnci ·.:o h<1. it I l1nd11 temple~ I.1,.._ An ele- its K 1r,..hma11 tcmplc; e w York ha numernu. Huddhi t tcml'l..:s; and Chicc1g11 it· Z ru..t. lrian templ e pointing to he. hin11i11~ ~llll. The city i, hei11g mined h the lcthar~y 11f the Chmch n, .\lmi~htr is holdin~ a contruver y with our \meri 1n cit1t' . 11,,w Ion).{ will it endt In o.1e of three w )S: Pre. ent tc11de111 ie will continue until our cities are liter d – ly heathenized, which would he di-lu;·ahy to Chri t; the Church' arre ted gro\, th will enable them tu re~.1in lo t ground. which won Id be ignor.1n1..e o f the cau e of it all; or, the Churches will a\\ ke to tht i dutv and opp ir t uni ty. The la ti- the only plausible w,1\. ·1 he e U111rche::. mu t not be m,ide up uf antagnnistic indiYi 1udl \\'OrKer . h 1t 111u t be united in pmpo 1·, ,111tl ea~h hu – man heart filled with the sp rit o[ Jcsu_ Chri t. T he real .:ah·atiun of the .\1rn:ric 1n l ity can only be maintai11l·d thr11ugh thi upright character of Chrbtian m,111h,1llcl and Chri:stian \\'Om,lllhou I. T11c puig n– ant pr blem nf the .\merican city will he 1,ln:d when we, t he thuurih t ful hri.tian citizen , ma11ife t th1· 11prigl1t < h;iracter, and \\ork in uni'i,>n, with Christ a. our leader. The ho~- ~y.tem will he nn more; the policun ,n will fullil hi_ du y; child labor will be extinqu1 lied; tru t \,ill be hruken a ,1nda; employer and empl1J) e will.· and on equal ground; the '':tranger \\ .tl11n ou r gdte "will be treated a: 011r brother; thl' .110 •n \\ill hecumc ,1 Lh11rch ,rnd the slum and tenement a p 1radise. ·• I'he g,i te of the city h,dl n11t be s!t11t at a ll by Jay; and they hall bring he gloq and hon Htr of he 11,1 in11, i11tu it."
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