The Gavelyte, March 1914

THE CAVELYTE F bnmry 14. - Did you geit a val ntine? Nei1tJher did we. - "BiJll" 1.Jrunn1inig vds1its lbJs broth r ( ?) . F bruary 15. - Eze. 20: 12. F'elbiruary 16. i • __, nd 'Vhe wiind 1blew ·and 1beat ulpOn thalt house; and it broke a wind,Qiw. 1So tlhe•re 1 w,as· no ch,a,pel. - Prof. AHen's classes m€et in. the ba~ement. February 17. - Tihe Rieis,erv-e\S pl1'ay--? in a wood, lbox at Se.Ima. - The •Oo.rk W. Morton As 1 s10daition m 1 ake qualiiltive and qU'anti- tative analyises ·of a spo--(at thus 'P{ )li.nt the tyipe-setter was caHed t·o dinn,er.) -Le,r,oy 'M'arSiha,11., '0·7, and S. •C. Wriglht, '03, attendEd chapei. -Doctor •McKinney d.is1oove~si a ·recentiy broken wdndow (it wac; r:mot111red only tJhiree years .a,go) . F1eb ruiary .1 8. -Wilm.ah talks so ,mucih in. v,aciarnt •houTS1 tha,t s•he g-ets ca.Bed down. February 19. -R. S. 11Mnks 1i,t was ithe bli.nds were ipuHed d,own; and n.o one dis,a1gr~s wilth him. Feibruary 20. __JT1he boy,s, ,slit UJ) foont in cihiaiJ)el. -BrOlf. La.nniin1g and ,Ml!'. W/hyte h1ave a girl in par,tnersihd1p; c!hiaJ"ge,s five cents rup•i·eoe. -'Bi:illy 1Has{in 1 gs is smiibten. ~Mr. Why;te and PrM. 'Lan-n,inig, ernter D.lot by the door, but climo uip s om~ other way. -Fred T. makes a !'tllllining a'I)lpe,aranoe in a Re'Serve suit. -The g,irls •h'av,e 1phyS'ioal 'torture. -The B. B. 1 girls .go to 1L0ba.non and IDarllham. F1elbmrury 21. -A.'11 rt'h·e B. B. g;irJ.s ,a,rrive !home ilr'om Earl:ha.m but Blanidhe; poor iDunoan. -'M'llltt receives ,a Jove 1etter lf,rom Lebanon. February 22. -R. W. Ustli1ck, '11, pre&.c1hes rin R. P. •C'hurch, M<ain street. -Eze. 44:24. Fe.brmury 23. -"Srtoomies1t day in twenty yearsi." -Pflo,f. Allen ,teslts the res·i~tan~e of a SIIl!OW di!·ilft. -W,eeiping and wailing and ,gruas1hing of teebh (Ex1>I,anation ! \ See pp. '5 ,anid• 6, F1eibruary, Gav,elyte.) -Raohel d·eni•es· tfill:a,t is'he has a, February 24. ...