The Gavelyte, March 1914

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE the co-operation and voluntary ,cont,l'i1butfon,s o,f its firiends. So, dear r ~ader , its mp to y•ou 'to make this 1pa;per rtJhe be•s.t yet. H you have an idEa, le,t it be known. Sug,gestioil's ,a;re al,way,s wEicome. Anld let us have your bes•t literarY' effiort. Some plans 1have been announcerd and other.s a.r e unrder way for th e cele 1 !1ration o,f Cedarville's twen,tieth anni ve,r ,a ry. GovE1rnor Cox has promised tha,t i,f it ,is at a•H ,po.s,s1iJble rt:Jhat he w,i.Jl be wit•h us on that day and make ,the cornmen,cement aiddres•s. Th'is, attl'action al'one ANNIVERSARY PLAN•S sh:ould bring more 1 J}EOIJ1'e to CedaTville on tJhat day than ever before. Tlh.£,n rthere will be t he usual intere 1 s,ting ,com– men1cemewt. ·e•vents,. Already :the l•ad1ies ' advis•o,ry lbo·aTid i>s busy and ,p,Janning to rEfurni· 1h portions 01f >the coll E,g·e bu'Hd1irug. T·he,r e 'is IlJO r eas on, w 1 hy th:s cannot •be the gre-ates,t d,ay in t1he h'istory of ·Ced 1 a rvme, i'f eve,ry one ~ ill do wthat he can to ,boo'St. Get out a,nd talk it up. BOOS/I' ,in the fullest s ense of the word. Ceirtainly, we all owe this muic1h to our alma mater. Exchanges. The follow·ing February ex,0haruges1 have been ,r eceiv ed: Ot ter– bein Aegis; Black and Magenta; PurpU,e and Gold; WHmingtonian; Argus; CollEgian anu Col1ego Voice. T 1 hes.e are a ll good numbers, and con:ta'.n an a?bundance of good Hterary material. The Co-ed number of tih0 Otterbein AEg,is was· received ],a te, doubtless on accounf of its being a s,pe'C.i<a,l' nu1mber. r,t tis a ,firue is– sue. "The Quest of Haippines•s" and "-Molly's ,sacrifice" furnish inif:e~·– estin,g and prolfitable reading. AnothEr ,s1pecial numibe,r 'is• trhe srcien,ce number o,f the Black and Magenta. Its contents ·are well r ellated to the special fe•atur e and are very well selected. The Coll c: gian (Grove Oity OoUege ) oorutain,s some good short storiEs. Also you must have plenty ·Of 1woul ' poets 1in tJhe Keystone state. Student in Lab.- Say, Prof., will you eXJpl'ain this •idiotic a•cid to me.~Ex. The lad said to tJhe m1a>id•en ·who ,was sweet ais 1 s1he could be, "My deiarest Rachel Norene You're the •brearth o,f liife to me." Tile maiden, made muC'h sweete,r Dy a roguish little sm1le, 11