The Gavelyte, March 1914

12 TII GAV LYTE R sponded. "Gallant Fr d. 1Suppo~,e yQu 'hold your breath awhil ."-Ex. BE A FRIEND. Be ·a tiriend, you "011<1' IM•an Grump," God, doid1n't mean you for a ,gump, Wlhat's the usie of acting sore W'h n tlher ',s good cheer at the ore; Come on l(),ut, you n ver knew What bri•ght smilies oan do foT you. Be a friend-you haug,hty maid, You ruct ac:i if :}"OU were afraid To look rnpon old 1Iotber IDarth W ,ho bas s!hielded you since 'oirtb. You'll find 1ife's quite a bore ito spend In being too good for a friend. Be a f,I'ie,nid-you mighlt as well; 'l'hE•re·s no del'i 0 bt for one to drwell In a CI'OWd o' sco,wls and 1 !frowns ·W 1 i•th their cela,s•el 1 ess UJ}S and downs; T·his ·old world will ring true blue If you11 lbuit mak•e a frjend or two. Lo, be ,a .fr1end-0 bro,tJher mine; You will fiind the "being's" fine ml teH y,ou; and Iife'S" tl'ials vYill ·all mealt to 'h'aJI>iPY smile , And S'unny skies of sul1l/IDer ,blue. I'd be a friend if I were you.-F. F. :'.\1. DOC WISE SAYS- Some felilo>ws t!hro;w a baske,t lbaill like a frog jumping out of watffi'. Some boyisi can'•t lben.r uip under the fire of cri11ic\ism. 1 Maniy a match has been hiatclled at ,a lba.skiet 'ball game. Wibrittier's 1 "Snow;J)ound" make,s par,ticula1r-Jiy ruppropriate reiading ith!is wi·nter. You need a good gr,ip, or y,ou're- s,ure to get tJhe griipe. If you're ·a ,good. •boy don't t:elll the ,rest orf u "· We'll find it out. JWie've looked rut Mark Twain :long enoHgh. "Tih€1re's , o Place Like Home" on a windy, zero niglht w1hen you're rfO'Ur miles, more or 1'E•ss away. ·T:he girls you 1ike aren't ~he "loud" kind. There's a ferw studen,ts who n,ever get down to rock~boittom study.