The Gavelyte, March 1914
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE College Happenings. The BiMe rein.ding cm1.1bestt, wlh,icb ,tooik ptlace Fr1id,ay E·venmg, Fc,brua:ry 27, in the Untte•d Plre's1byterfam 0huir,c 1 h ,ple1~.s1e1d ,a ~ood-s'ized audience. There were fifteen icontei.s,tarut:s a,rud rulil ·a,cquiitt,e;d ;t;hem- s,elyes ,,,o we 1 l,l tiliat the j11Jdge1s who •were 'Rev. Fe1,g11son, and! Miiis,s E01welil, of Xe,nli1a, and Mr. S. C. Wrighit, round it tl, l1t. to r,enid 1 (1r a d:edsion. Dr. C. )T. Ri1tc1hl:e, w11'0 ha•d offen:d t'he 1pT1izes, p,reserutEd ithe· s1ame after a fe,w instructive and interesting ,woTd s. IM,isis M,airy Ha , receivEd 1:!be firsit :priz·e o,f 1s even a,o,UaiI's, Mi c-,s, Haz·e11J IJo,wry •thie second of f'iv2 dollar·s, airud Mr. Ra,lll)h EMer ·the thiru o.f three d10'1!lairs. Th1os,e pa.1r;t:icipa1t1n,g in the contest were ias ronows : 1Mis,s 1 es 'MiM,reid -:\1•enldenth>all, IHe(en Z~mme,rman~ INia,n:Cy Ff;n;fil 1y, ·w ,umah 1S1pe,ncer, Blan,c!h e Turn•bulli, M,ar,y Has 1tin•g,s ·and 'Hazel I.;o,wr y; IM,es,s1r 1 s•. IOaim– eron Ro ' s. OT'land RJ: tchie, ,Carl Dunioan, Frnd Ttowrusile·y, R1a)l,p 1 h Elder, David Bradfuite, Olairk Weaver 1a,nid '\Viilliam Oom•inis,. The m111JStTel ihoys s·an•g a few s•eilecitio·ns whiClh es1trub1ishe·d evEIIl. mo•re firm– ly thei 1 r ire'Putatio!ll for ",m.akiil'g musdc." A g 1 1•e1a,t d , al ·o;f tihe 1suc,ce,s•s of this conitest is, due to trne effo,rttJs, of IDr. McObesn·ey. ifn c,onnect'i:o'IlJ w[th the 'Chaipel ·exerci",€'S F c1bruary 12, sever,a,l se– lections, iin oommemoration o,f 1Jhe Fat·h!eT and Sa vt1or o.f ou,r ·cou!lltiry, whosie 1birtbJday we celebra,te ithtls mon1tJh., we~·e l"E·aJd: 1Mi.s 1 s• Al'boota Cres1W'ell read "The Per'fed Tribwte, anld Mr. Orfand IR'i·jjcih:iie tthe S'Pe·c:·c'b given 1at t1b,e •deidric:a:bion 01f t!he Wais1b.irugtoru :momument. We closed Jby s'in•gi'Illg that is'Onig 1'01Ved !by au. "America." 'fhe toys hav,e s•eit the d 1 a1be fo•r tJhe mock wEd•cJng s•everal ti.mes , but contrary 1 to tlheir p'1/an1s· dt ,ha,s ruoit t1aiken ip,l'aice 'The gh-1:s, usua!l1y decide 1:ihe da,te'S ifor · such eve'Illts,. Th,e jokle is on yo:u, ·bioy,s1, yl()U shoultdn't be so easd1ly d.u1p,eid. Quite· a numiber of the ,boys a,fter a futile s,e,arc'h for " wlbii'ch w,ais, !llO't," e,n1j1oyed1 a sta,g pairty in the Lab. It w~s· r,e,pOil'tJeld thait tlb1ey 1htad p,hm1ty to eait, as· t,bey lflaJid– €d the new bakery. Both literary societies 1havie taken uip their wiork this e,eme'Ste r and aire s,till finding the neiw siyisitem s 1 01mJeiwthat 1:mp•roved over ithe credit sys,tem, alt1houg,h tJhe,re is sitHll room lfo,r improvement in tihc way in which it is conducted. Quesition: What is iit men lovo mo,rc t!han life? Fear more than death, or mo,rbail sttrilfe? '!Tue wis•e deslJ)its,e., the fo,oUs a!dmWe? The poor pos•sess, the ric1h ,require? The miser s,pe,nd s, the s1penldlt.hrift s1a,ves? And all men carry !Jo thei r graves? Answ ·r: Noth1ing. 13
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