The Gavelyte, March 1914

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 19 LANE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY CINCI "NATI, ORIO Eighty-second Year. Alliance with the Universiiy of Cin– cinnati for advance degrees. Address President WILLIAM McKIBBIN . L. S. Barnes & Co. XENIA, OHIO -- ---------..- a.---- - Interi or and Exte rior Decorations Special !'rices in Quantities Wall Paper, Paints, Picture Framing and tatione ry -- . Nuw is the tillle to have your Spring work <lurw. A ''S quare Deal'' for everybody is the "Spaldi ng Policy." We guarantee each buyer of an article bearing the Spalding Trademark that such article will give satisfaction an d a reasonable amount of service. A. G. Spalding & Bros. 119 East Fifth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio.