The Gavelyte, March 1914

• THE GAVELYTE VOL. VIII MARCH, 1914 NO. 6 "Our" Basket Ball Team. Th is is not a ( ulogy on ''Our" ha:siket ball team. PJrE:iase .get tJhat s,oaked thiru yiour right now. It i s niot a !breezy ePis,ay (Hke Eimer– son's on :Manners) o,r at l east it is not intended ito 1 be it.hat. It is Il'Ot an all ahs 1 orbirug ta1~e lik·e "The Tr,ail of t h e Lio,ne,s 1 ome Pine" o,r "V. V .'s Eyes." ln sho,rt, 1't would ·be 'hard 1:o " frgigi: r ouit" ju,st wth,ait t1hlis arti<:le (Wlhi,ch s 1 omel1ow sli'pped iin amion,g the, ed i'to,r's co1py) 1i,i=; in– tended to lbe. We have ra,cked our brains antd otiheir,s, too., f,or a s o– lution of the priolulem, but nlO sa'1:1i,s!J:'a;c,to,1y ·ansiwer ,s,e·ems to be at - a.JI ifolI'lthcomin,g. Ho,wever, ipure1Iiy in the 1interes t o,f scienice, a,r<t and liteirature we shall call t'il 1 is al'tic1e just a UH ! e 1 hearit-to~hiear<t ,chait a'bout "Our" team. If it were in t'b~ ne,wspa,p,a,s. 1,n,sltead otf IJhe GaveJy,te it woui:d be 1i n the ipe,rson.'al r,ol 1umn-you kno,w, <l,on,'t y,ou kD'OW. "''"11. ,uh re are so 1m,any irnterest1ing thin2's, ito s:ay '<',bout "Our" team that we hardly know where t,o ,bc:gin. l\. s we ,said before, lthis is not a eulog,y on the teaim. If it w re, ,we should 1 have Dr. Ko~hnie wr•itf' it. \Ve are v'-ry sure that he cou ld make appro,priiaite remarkii concerning the bclio,ved ( ?) deaid. But s1in 1 ce 1 tbe team is not dea:d, (at any rate it is a very 1'ively conpse) and tibi f' is not a eul1ogy or an ~egy cl:t1lln for tba,t matter, we ·shall have !Jo start on another track. \Ve mightt state tbat if anyone supposes, fior a miniute that it.hie. articile was written for the purpose 01f !"'Pr ead1· ng the g.lory of "Our" team be is, VC·l'Y much mj,st'lken. fts g1ory is far bey,ond our power to ( ith·m· add to or dlimin,isl1 "\Vhe.rf'ver ·baPk et b,a JI is 'known, C~dar– \'i,Jie ( "cllege is knr.,wn and lmn r.·r d. 'rhe •feats o,f ou,r team ,h,ave been herald d in big letters. on the front ·pa,geis of news1p,apers; they have !Jlcn calJJlcd arnund th worlo.; th Y' hav:e been s!h10,wn in movfi,ng plcrn,r s '.'lh<>r v r A me1 icans are to 'be found; th y hiruve been B 1 houtPd thru mega,phones to anxious crowds: th y h,ave caused t he nau1e of ( d:•rville to the rival of "Grape Nuits" in ,po1pu,l1ar– lty: U1 y have held up t1•ains and kept r::teamslh,i ps waiiting; and niot the lea.Ht of these, they have evfn k ,pit tJbe Gavelyte from c-oming out on th11P. Ver'il), gr 11!. is th e, h·onor of "Our'' team and it is, with