The Gavelyte, March 1914
2 TI IE GAVELYTE • rover lltl'e and pvcn w·i !'l1 a wr ·t hnit w,, w1i:tc on sn·ch :, lorty thPHI!' ,s,o ·it 1is nio1t lior the gloiy ·ot' the te.ain •tiha,t we ar' wrltiJllg this. ,o, nio,t for ,t•bie gl•ory oir ·t he 'team. lbut ye•s·. won if yon must knJow-H's our inrteresit in "Our" te 1 am •tJhiaL prompts •Lh,e publ,ica,ti n of this arti ,},e. H's t'he p·ersonia1l--1the 1human intere•t whi h a,ny t tum 1poss•esS'es thait fur•ni,srhe,s us, the grOUll'Cl for our outbiurs,t of ,mo– ti100. And who ris met intel"ostc•cl in Ms hai-,k ,t:b aJil team? l say 1 hds, beoa:use i't it hii •ilf th,a t team receives lhis s,up,ptort and interest ju,st as mutdh ,as if h·e were, actually 0111e of the members •o.f tha·t team. Niotw on·e ,o,f •the poinits 1 of initeresit (not <the •chie 1 f one, perha1p~) is t'he p,e,rsionn,el of the team. And s 1 0. alt1hio we were ·a long time getting ,tJo i,t, tJMs i w,ha1t WE are giolin,g to tEll y,o,u aibou,t. Perha'l)s y,ou kn·o,w th.a1t irt: ,t,alrns five 1\/I Ei', (1 emphaslize tJhe MEI~) to ,maim a oaisk:et ball -tea,m. No,w o,f cours 1e miosit any five men couM get to– ge,the,r •and make a basket 1 b,a11J iteam, itiut no,t a ·CE!d·arville tEtam. F1or 1rusitance, i1f ,ai ifello,w 1p1:,ay;s on "Owr" /be,a·m, he must h:ave a giI~l, mus1t kTu01:W hio,w •bo flunk, and generial•ly to ,be a ,go 1 od Ppoil and not let hfa educ::>ct'ion s 1poil 1 bis basket /ball. To 'P'lay for Oeidarville one ,must •have lbi•g ,fee:t (o,ue rule to wh<ich H i.s hard to find exce,piti1ons); a ~lirl 'in Xenia; a F IO['•d aubomo,bi1le; a taste lfor fudge; or 10,ts of ,b ot air. .Any rnne posses1S 1 ing thw 1e chiainacrt:erisiti,cs may Eas<ily make the Ced,aJI'fvill[e ,team. H not, i-t is nio use (jjo app•ly. Bruit now ifor tJb>at peirso•na1l elemernt--'tfuie worth o,f whioc 1 h cann<o,t be Esitimated in a small 1co1'le,ge. Le,t us fimit co,usid,e•r C3pt. "Fick" Anderson. A:s, bis. name im,p,1,ies, this member olf "Our" team is extremely fickl e. In fact at 1timE s, H has s•eemed ,t,h:ait •1:Jhe teoam wa.s ,g, <to J.os• e 'him on ruccoun,t •of 'hi[j. extreime ,devotion bo the wea.ker and in tJhis cais 1 e id•istawt sex. Horwever, he hrus manaiged Ito ;p,lay foT t,w,o yeairs on the vars!l1.y at ithie l Eift fo1 1 v,11ard position. And rigM ''fi,cklessty'' h1as he acQ:u·i'bted h1ms,e1LE in s·pite •orf :::i;;• temptaUon, lby virtue of his 5 1\t. 11 !iln.clh,es anid 165 ,averduip,ois ,piound•s. Our only regrnt i~ itha.t he is g,oling ,t,o 1p,lay 1 1:!hie "fi'ck1le ·s,tun:t" f·oo· go,od 1tJhis y,ea,r and graduaJte. His p1l1ac,e wilil be .ha,r,d •to fill u,ex,t yoor. "P. H." "(Papa·s Helper)" Creswell. .If theire is 1 •an,yihodiy in oollege who can t·a,lk '1oruge.r, harder and .fa,siter than P. H., we would 11ikie bo krno,w who tha;t lJ)erSfon is. And P~ul pJ 1 ayiS1 ba,c-,met 1 b 1 a,1L jus,t llike he ta,llk,s. 'If yiou ill.ave never seen hiim iin aotio,n, p,ray for corntinueid exisitence Ufilrti'l yo'll do. One can mwe eas'i'1y hElieve •tJha!t man 1S,p,ruTug lf.rom 1ih·e mo,rnkey s,eeing !Ms •anrtJics. WhHe be ,isn't a ,gin,nt, P1auil j.s always there with tlhe gio'O'dli, aind w1hiat is mlo,re es1s1ential, with ,the •baskets. What •would kn1ock 1out an ord1i1Uary 'P'laiy•er ,c,an't faze blim. He has playied Tight f.0 1 rward 1fo,r 11:Jwo yea,rs ,a,t 135 J<bs., dres,s,E·d and a'bout five teet, ten incJhes, i'f ·tJhe tape ,J.ine shoulld be G.Jl'plied. Lucky irud·eed are we that the s•ea1S 1 on wias large~y OV€1J.' before Pa.ul ch 1 aruged Ms rol 1 e bhait of
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