The Gavelyte, March 1914
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE "speeial £•tudent" to ''Papa's Hel,per." • "Beef" Turnbull. "BEv." "BeE.f'' or "Turney"-just as you 1 like it-i's 1 kno,wn itJhe country round qS the· •bE.13,t "SJkip,tomalooer" and "Pig.Jin.Jtlhe-Pa1~1o~e1r'' in the whrole s(u,d,ent ,body. Ail'd that <!D'eans mo,re it sou·nds, Hke. But P,aul finds time to ,play cernter on the varsi'ly lin s 1 pite, of :his n,ear two hundred pound 1 s . He has play,eid ·it ,w;ith a vcrngean,c,e t'Oo fair ltwo years, without misisin:g a single game. Wihile h e is not taJl,l .and s,l ·, he is s'1',1ort and• strong. "\i\'lll'alt he lo,s 1 es in 1'en1g;th; 'he make,s u,p ~n jumping aitiility. Fo,r breiaking up o'ppo,si n•g •pr,ay,s h e 'has no equal e,ithE·r ,in ,Ced•arvme or this sli de of 1:;.v1ars. Manry a victory can be traced to Ibis sipl E. ndid offensive work. Pawl bais· •one weak– nE.•s13•-hs likE..s fud,ge, and o,f cours•e to•o much of tJhat ar1ticle ti,s n,o,t ,good for any 1bas·ket ball pl,a:yer. "Bill" Gol l ins. "Bill,'' no not Billy Surrday, is a grea:t piece 10,f 1bas'ket bal1l ma– chinery. In :fact, hie turns owt the finJisihed 1 p~··o·duct s·o ,f,as1t thiait ,it mak~s yiou dizzy to w1rutclh hlim. We venture to s,a,y Tigll:i,t her e, too, that 'Billy SunJday ne•veT p1ay,ed 1 base ball n,o,r 1 p 1 re1ac'hed a sermon harder than "Bi'H" playis 'basket 'ball. Nlot om::e nor twice, 1but slbraJi,ght al10,rug for thirty,-tiwo giacmes, ilas,t year and this, hie lba,s 1 been working steaidil,y 'for the glio,ry of Oedarvfi1le. Of course, "BHl" ,couM mo,vie a littie 'fasitE.r if 1has pedal extreimelties wer e noit so con,s,pkuoius, lbut even at tlhat ihe 1is some ip,layer at gua,rd. He ha~ gu,ard,e·d s , of the •best player<> in t'he sitate a•nd has ailway,s miaide it intePesihl•n•g !for his man. Five fe et, n·ine, and 165 are l11is dimen'sion s,. "Bi'll" ·su,rely enjoy•s "siHi n's up." "?" Townsley. Ques,tion·box To,wns~ey, comfb-' nation guard and forw,ard, is seime basket ,ba1!l pl ayer, as be h,a.s ably p,rovAd tibd.s se,ason as well ia.s two years a-i 1 0. To near him ta'1k yiou would 1tJhlink he could ,do 1110,tJhin,g bwt ask questions, but after S€ 1 ei111g Mm on the Jllo1or, yo,u 1bfave t o ihan-d iit tJo •Mm in anothe~· ca,pacity. The girlis 'have a pecuil'iar fas.cinatiion fOT him except when he is pl:i.yin,g ba,ske.t bal'l, so tJhait •is ,a go'Od rea– son we have for putting him on the team. Rachel rulmois't kin1ows 1 tho,w to run a macb\ine by diis time, s o tJhat is s•ome ored:i1t. Fred ~'UJillS after the basket ball almos t as fa f;,t as, 1 he runs alfteT 1tJhc g\h{l,s, Again, J say you caijmot f•a thorn tibe me,a,ning o,f thi,s, 1sitate:menit. Al– though only five feet, !".even and onc"-lhalf inchrn tall, and 135 01bs., lH.•avy 'he has heen a in many games. . row this is the sum and subRtan,ce of bhe varS1'1ty. S 1 ome •teaim, ain't it? '"'hy sure. tbcrE' 's no team in t•h,e coun.try to bea1t it. It's a gn:•at tf•am . a R<'J'<' 1 a111in 1 g var sity "\Vhy,? BelcauP.e it's "Ours." 3
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