The Gavelyte, March 1914

4 Tl IE AVELYTE Who's lVho Among The Alumni. 111. C. A. Young. Olarenrc nclrew Young, new pastor of the Presbyterian c,hurch, Roxbu1y, Bo~iton, Mas•s., gradua ted from{' d 1 arvi1'le 1(" 1 011 ge in the yf'ar 1900. Since thiat date fourteen yEars have ,rome and gone, yearis [1lled with earn sit endeavor and stea 1 dy gr'0 1 wtlb. a,nd no•w Rev. Young is recog– nizEd by beth facu1'ty and alumni as a dis1t•in,gui,s1hed son of the 1 Col– lege. Earn sit, systematic an>d conscieniti'ous, work and a 1 trict ad– herence to duty are the le.-ers by which he has ,p,ried s ucces,s from the vicis.situides of the world. Rev. Young is the only child of Rev. 1 William and Anna W111iam– son · YIQung, both deceas 1 e1d, and was born in Pitts.burg, Pa., May 3. 1877. Hie; early educa•tJion was 01bta:.ined in the country schO'ols near Xenia, 0., during which time he res<idE•d with his G,ran:dfathe.r Wil– liamson. HEJ en•tered C'. d•arvill e CollE,g,e lin 1896 and four yea rs laiter graduated with honor tal{ing. t'r e BacibPlor of Arts degree. In the fall of 1900 'he simultaneously entered upon hii 1 s the'Ol1ogi;'3al ,stud·ies in the Reform ed Pres1tyte1fa.n s emtinary at Ph 1 ilaidel 0 phia and matricu– lated as a s•enior in the Un·iversity of Pennsylvania. In ithe spring of 1901 he recE.(ved the Baelhelor's degre,e fro<m t'he univeni,ty. 1Suibse– quently he succEssively received the degrees of M,aster of Ari:6 and Do citor of Ph ifoso,p1hy frnm tibe same universiity. One of the condi– tions up 1 on whiich t'he do·c,to,r·s degree was confer;r·ed was t1he writing of a thesois. H€- c 1 ho,se for hl: s theme "The Pr01b1'e,m of the Downtown ChuTclh." The prO'duction i c: well-written and indic·ates. a broad iand thorough know1'edge of the subject dealt with. In the summer of 1902 \he itook a course of training in a school olf P,hilanthro1p1hy dn New York Oity and i.n •t'he fall of 1 tbe same yiear entered the emploj"IIl.ent of t,he Philade{[,phia ·Socdety for Orgian•ized Chariities as a non-resi derut agent In September, 190'4, he resigned '!Jhis position and re-enitered the R. P. Seminary where hie grad,uaited A1pril 5, 1905. On t·he 20th of the s,ame month 1 be was o,rd·a1ined and installed 1p,asito•r of t.Jhe Third Re– furmed Preslbyiteni,an ,church 1 of Phil'adel'"p'hia. He con,tinued in this pastorate un,til Janiuary, 1911, when he re~1igned to aeceipt ,a call to 1h{i,s 1 pn)sent C'harge. Rev. Young has a· congiregatfon of over 4·00 mem– lbers and is doing a siplendid work a:mong his people and in ibis com– munity. He was uni<ted in marriage, J-un,e 27. 1907, to Miss !Margar et Nel– s-on, of Philadel1phiia, and now has a ihapipy home, •bless,ed wi,th the presence of one s 1 on and 'two d·aughJterE'. Rev. Young bas a deep and abid.Jing interest in Cedarville Col– I·ege. ' He s·erved for a number of )near,s on the board of trustees and was among t;,he firs<t allld heavdest contri1buto1~s· amlQng the· A1unmi to the Alumni Endowment Fund, which 1 was started a few years ago.