The Gavelyte, March 1914

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE Twentieth Anniversary Celebration of Cedarville College. CEdarv.iJ'le College op ned her first s,es·sion in September, 1894. In June this year she will have complsteid twenty years of s,erviice. It is 01::-po1 tune to call to the a•ttention 01f her alumni, studeruts and fr.iernd,s, her hhto1 y, growth, w'ork and n,eeds. To t'his end it is pro– pos-ed to fittingly c£1ebrate her twenti~th anniversary next June at ·t h annual commencement season. At the business meeting of the Alumni Association, June, ] 913, the board of trustee·s and faculty ass : nting, a raso lution w1as 'I}assed authorizing the appointimernt of a co:nmitt E•e to prepare a 1 p,rogram antl arrange for the propu ob,servance 01 f this ev nt. T•he following were appointed: ReprEsrntirug the faculty: Dr. W. R. •:.\foOhesnrey, Pr,of. Leroy All En and :\Liss Albe1 ta Cresswell; represeruting the alumn1i: L. T. Marshall, pres:dent of the association, Rev. Jo'hn Bickett, eiw Ooncord, 0., and Miss Lulu Henderson. TMs commhttee has already held two meetings. A circular letter ha,s been dra,f1tr id, a copy of whill:h wiH be m 1ailed at an early date to each alumnus and ,to many former students and friends o,f the college. '!'he co-operation of every one is earnestly desired. Let us work tog ther in this mat1ter and make this Pvent a "Red 'L r,tter Day" 1foir the college. The college is s•lowly, but surely gr0<wing. I rwi,c: h I had space in which to .set forth her growth rluring the, p,a,st ten years. But come to the celebrati9n and Y'Ou wm hPar all about iit. I d,oubt not that the committee will be glad to receive sugge,s,tio,ns from am w1ho are interested. Help th committ -e. Tell your friends a1bout tJhe C( 1-bra,tion. Boost the College. Very sincerely, S. C. WIRIGIHT. A RECIPE. "TakP two parts of unsPlfi hne,ss and one part of patience •and work tog tlH•r. Add plenty of industry, lighten with good spirits and sw et<>u with kindness. Put in smile:, as thick as ,p1Jums in plum- 11udding:, and uak Ly the warmth whic·h streams from a lo ing h ,art. If this tailH to mak<> a good clay, the fau!L is not w,il1h the r ci,p, , but \\ i'LlJ t It~ c•ook. bx. 5