The Gavelyte, March 1914

6 TI IE GAVELYTE A A · · f "C " n pprecratron o ourtesy. T·o Our Two Dea,r "Qibserver.s :" '\Ve c 1tainly thank y,ou for tihe excellenrt advice y,ou have giv n us in r egard to "Coul'teo·us and 1 CO'lllmon Chivalry." We feel that you are bot'h in a ,positi'on to give us th-is excellent advice s•ince both of you h,ave ha:d unlimi.t( d exiperien 1 ce alon,g tlJ:11is line 1 and of ,coups,e know what you ,a,1'e taJlk!ing about. But perm!it us t;o inquire.-----l\1hat rules, o,f ,conduct would you h ave u s follow? vV10,u1'd it n,O!t. be w ell f1or itlhe ,faculty to make a ruling thrut students sh'aU wiea,r rubb e r heel.JS, never talk ,rubo·ve a W'hi1s1per, and •subs1titute d1ominoes for foot ba:11? maTlbles 'for 1bas'ket 'hall ? mrn.nble peg for tteillilis? and p1irug 1mn,g f·or bas,e lball? To have 'Pad– ded wa:lkis , sound deadEned wa Hs, a noii'!',eleisis piano and a tickless clock? Vi"e ask y,ou are the,se rules observed in 1Muskingum ,and Wo•oste r Ooill'eges? And our "dear s,t" otbiservErs do you tb 1 i,nk 'it weB to adrvei1'tise our fau1l,ts· 1 by prnbldstbirug tJhem in Gavely,te, which is op the exelhan,g,e list 01f a:u other CoHeges? We fully realize ttthat we ,are •in ruo way l)erfect ,a.nid t'hart we h,ave ma'Illy, 'faulits, y,et would it ruot harve bre•en heitte.r for you, "Drurlinig" •olb– s1erv·etl'S, to have del'ive,reid yiour mes1sruge tJh!r,ougih s•oime o,ther me1ctiwm than it.he columns of tJhe Gave,lyite? Studeruts ms a rule ,are al,w,ay,s wlilU,n,g i:Jo receive "good" advice and a1' e wHlirug tto set a,s1id e a,pproprfa;te t imes for it. And now observeris, did }'1ou kno,w 1tlb:at tJhe 1h'ighestt tyipe of Col– lege man, a•nd ,the lea:der of our natii•on. W•oodirow WHson, initiated the cus,tom o,f holding hands while wn.lldll!g along ithe s•treet with this wife, in the ho,pe tba.t tJhat custom W1Cll'ld dlisseminate tJh l'ougihiout this land o1" ours i'Il!cltuding the "A' ~NiIDX?" ·S'ince we a r e nolt Gelf\lllrull'l heire 1in Ceda.rville, why •nrott ,l:1oHow AlmerilCJan ,customs ? •A,nd niow o 1 b– ,seirv·ers we are thr101rngh, lbu,t ye,t we sitill wonder h'ow anyibody so p,eirfeot and with rndh hi1g,h 'id 1ea'ls• anid rwho i6' s'll<c'h ,a model of ciha r– ructer, ain,d wh'os•e wings, even n·o,w •haV'e alire,rud,y sipr outeid, has· been O·eft on tblis oM co,mmon eal'tJ_h olf ours. -lTHiR'IDE 1MORE OBIS,E RVERS. When the donkey saw the zebra He began to switC'h his tail; "We 1 ll, I never," was the comment, Here's a mule th,ait',s /been li n j ail. -Exchange.