The Gavelyte, March 1914

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE Diem in Die. FE.,bruary 2. -Blanche sports a black ,eyie. -F'red foors· a riv·al anid makes• il11isi d1ate early rbo ·av-oid the rus!h . __JMaude is s,urpl'ised. F,elbruary 3. -Openiil!g of i:'econd s·emes·te~·. -DT. J. Knox ,Mon,tg,omery ,a,ddres•ses us. F'e<brJiary 4. -Dr. M•cChE •sm.ey addressed t'he Y. IM. -R•iife is elected 1P,restiden1t oif the Y. 'M. C. A. Fe,b,ru,ary 5. _,C. C., 52; Jamestown, 32. -And the 'Rei:'erve.s--·m,rnm's t!he w 1 0 1 rd. Feibruary 6. -N"ot•hing dirdodoin1g; 1 every1body s1tudiEis so hard in va-cail1lt hours ,thlat natruing can haippen. February 7. -It is pro1per to be good, but mighty uninite,res,tJin,g. February 8. -2 ,Ohr. 36: 21. F'ebruary 9. --<Mr. W1hyite exiperiienceis a "zero su:piper." -Moonligihlt and s•k,a:ting at the qu:arry. Feibrrnary 10. _ _ ;~rEaver says 1bie would rather be alone anyway. F •b:ma1ry 11. -Y. M. l'is1ten to Billy •Sundlay on A.mus 2mcill!ts (ipe:r F . A. JurkaJt). ~Oorls is li!Sked to setble dorwn. -1Pro1f. Jurk'a.t stalllps his root; veiry eff.e-ctive, but ib,ard on Japan. -The Homer class is grouchy 1bocaus,e they do not get to recite. Fe1brrnary 12. - Exercises 'held in chrupel in !honor of our g,reraitest pr,esidents. - The girls TH'INiK they puUed onie over on the 1b'oy:s:. -Bllanche or Ru1Lh lo!'oes-- weH not their he 1 arts, anyway. February 13. - State orato 1 rical oontest at W,oos·tf'r. - Day of Rrayer for Colleges. - Rev. Riitchie preacb 1es th - s•ermon for tJhe occasion on Is. 30: 21. --<Auoth r !Jig snow; game c.: canic elled on account oif s1to·rm. 7