The Gavelyte, March 1915

0. Phot<) () f' h E Fr sh Fruits an I V• <'· p cial Rat to 't c Pt , tah1Ps i 1 S•a\.:,on L\V. Y P-T0-1 TI•, C l>IE'' \ .TU. I L'I Y W \Viti Pl\'as \\'lwn .,11 Oth1 r, I. ii -- \ 1(0 Li\1r:•1t .11l hour ,H E. [ \I T STHthT, ., E I:\, <>III<· Cedarville, 0. ·----·---- GICAL The 107th Session ened eptembe 9. 1914 Regular 1nodern courses of st udy. Young, men of all denomination are welco1ne. Bible study cla. es and mission course for both sexes. Privilege of taking cour e in Cedarville college. Address all correspondence to Rev. \ . R.. 1cChesney, Ph. D., Dean, Cedarville, Ohio.