The Gavelyte, March 1915

The Gavelyte VOL. IX MARCH, 191 5 ·NO. 6 Alumni,, Rev. John W. Bickett, '97. Pastor Second U. P. Church, New Concord, Ohi o. '\Ve are living in a moslt cr,itica1 time, a time when old f,aiths are being tried and many fu,ture lead,ers trained wAhout t'he knowledge of Go 1~1 in J esus 1Christ. A tlime ,when tih,e d·o'Ctrines of t h e Word o,r God are ,beirng shattered 1 and students are leing ,taught to be1ieve tlhe Bib le no more inspired :t!han Tennyson''s !I)oems· or Slluuke'Spear's c.J:a,:,s,ics. In s uch a itime the Ohri stian IGollege is a real necessity. "Tlb ;s count1 y 'is going mad on educa;tJion'' so said "Bilily" ·Sunday at Plttsburgh last year, but tJhe cou ntry is not going mad on Chris,tian education. Tlhe Christian col'1eige is needed, more eaciJ:l year and if it does the work ttat is r eallY' 1ai 1 ;:J: at its doo rs, ilt ,m,us•t ,be mainta'ined and equ;ip,ped to compete with the larger non-seictarian and nonJCh ris– tain schools. Tfhe Legi,:'lature ma1kes large a•pipropriations to state schoo 11's, whi'le t'he '1ibtle denominaitional coHeige is left to strrng1g,le. And yelt, in 'its f1acuHy, students and equi·pment, i:t must pe,riform a work eqrna:l to tJhat done 'by state instiltutions. It is ·a slha:me tiha:t the 1 0hri 1 s1tian col1eige is left to fg1ht its own ,biattle·s and ,too 01ften the battles are fought by a very few v·ersons. A't the ,p resent time in our fair ,ltate 01f Olhio w-i-tlh forty-fiYe or more colleges and, institutions within its borde-rs, a few s,choc,ls w:th money are dic:tating the educational p-o'licy of the state and thi s policy is alon 1 g lthe .Jine of larger erF 1 owment. 'iiV'ith suclb dlk– tation real education must fa,J,l flat. S 1 cihola•rslhi,p a'lon~ •s1hould 1be the basis !for the rig1ht of -exicstance. Those more 1 c'.osely id 1 enbified wit'h tihe educational work s•ay tiha;t ·tJhe ChrisLan col'lege· is producing scho'lars and giving- young men and women a re1a1 vision of li'fe. The Christian coHege should sltand for the l'und,amenfal impo-rt– ance of reHgion. The church •limits her teaching- power w'i't!h-ont the aid of her schools. The ,church renders a v;ta!l servi,ce to the s1:iate "w1hen ~,he bringH a generation to con"·ciousness upon tihe importanc·e