The Gavelyte, March 1915

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 3 lege "Had it not been for tihe small collleg ,, al om door many of us would not have been given an opportunity 1for an -ducation at all." How true the statement is in reference to many of the graduates and students of "Old Cedarville." What a de'bt olf graLude we owe this ins ti tu tion. Jn Cedarville Co1'lege is an "op<portmnity to invest life at a tre– mendous profit," where a few 1,:;1ollars wi'Jil bring countless ble ssings in future days, a 1place whe re y,oung peoiple may lbe made to discover themPelves and shall be trained for teaclh rs and ministers and evian– ge'lists and for other protfession!' and become r eal factors in the King– of God. Tt is t1J1e 1'011e of bh,e writer that every gr'aduate and stu– ld1ent who lhas attended "Old 1Ced,arviltle" may be so filled with 1:th e vision of it suse,[ulnern t'hat he will be g1lad to give some su,bsitiantia1 gi,ft to tlhe college wh iclh s tands so well amonig the educational inPti– ttl'tions of the state, and is of so much r ea1 valne in Llle commu n ity where located. Have faith in "Old· •Ced 1arville," then wol'k for its ,up– building. Dear Alumni, let us all 1pru ll itogeLher and then we will be a 1 ble to pull fo p col'lege ·we love to the very front among the i nstitru– tions of learning. Alumni Notes. 'H7, During the latter part of Februa ry Dr. J. Alvin Orr conducted a ser ies of meetings in Muskingum Co.lege, New Cnnc<,rd, Ohio . As a re– sult of the preaching of the word and private conversa t ions, the Ch ristian life came to have a fu ller and richer meaning to niany who had been indifferent before . The p resident of the school sta ted a t t he close of the revival that there were but five in the entire student hody who were not professing Chistians. We rejoicr. with Dr. Orr in the resu lt of his labor . '00, Rev Walter A. Condon and wife were guests in Ceda rvill e dur– ing the first week in March. While here the , atte1,ded the ma rri age of Mrs. Condon's brother, Mr. \Villiam Watt, and Miss Lott ie Sieg ler, March H. '02, We are glad to note that a splendid revival service has been in progress in Hillsboro, [II We are especially glad because the meetings were arranged by the Presbyterian church of which Rev. Robert W ilson is pastor. He reports over sixty accessions t,l his coni:i;regation . •oa, Miss Agnes Stormont, who is teaching in [ndiand Harbor, Ind. was compelled to give up school <luties for a month on accoun t of sickness. She visited her parents in Cedarville, while convalescing.