The Gavelyte, March 1915
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 5 "Crdar Day" is only about six weeks off. Tlhis ·is 1bo 'be the bes1t one ever held. Get b'llsy, classes, on your st'llrnls ,for you have s,ome good ones to compete w'ith in years gone by. Dr. Chesnut talked, to the "B-oys," at Y. ·M. Wedn sday morning, ~farch 10. 'He asked the que,stion, ",D~d you ever see a ,g,00 1 '1 'Picture of yourself ? " Not a camera piic,ture /but a moral picJture. One mm your chum hac: of you. He was •given an invite to r clturn any time he could. The Bi,bile Re-adinig 1Con1test will be held the evell'ing of 1 Aipril 16. This will Le one o,f the 'largs s,t e'Ver held, cons1Isiting o,f a:bout 20 <'•ontestan ts. Among our ex c•hange this mon!th we find a ne,w member, '·The !pectator,"' from the ,Capdtal UniversHy, Co,lumbus. This is an excell-ent puL1icat:on. ''The Eth1es of Brusket Ba11" is wen wo1·•tlh tlhe aHention of every love,r oif athletics. We ho1pe to receive oitlher co·pies of t!his paper. -we have anoth,er new meimiber in our li stt this month, namely, "'Tlhe Geneva Oa 1bimt." Tlhis paiper is wo1thy of commendation ,a,Jso. Gazing at a group oif nine chi'ldren, an old lady ca1l1led one of t:hem. "Are these children your sist,ers and brothers?", slhe asked. "Yes, mum", rc,p·lie'dl tJhe ~it,t~e gi rl. "'1-V!ba t is the largest one's name?" "MRxie, mum." "And what do you call tlb.e sma,1Jest one?" "Minnie, mum."-Ex. The following make up our li ~t ,for tbis imont'h: The Co-Negian Black and Magenta, The Hi!g;h s ,chool IOircle, Pu1~ple and Go,Jd, The "\Viilmingtonian, The Otterbe in Aegis, Tlhc Ant!io chian, The Ca,binet, Tlhe Spectator, Sedalion. ''The F'-ord ca n ,go into any p'lace any other car can exo ,pit one." ""\Vlhat's tJhat?" "Society."-Ex.
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