The Gavelyte, March 1915

I 11 l l l ) ription I' .,t 7,,t p 1 \\'. D. t rrt'tt, ·1;-, I ilph S, Fl ler, 'Ii \\. I merv llo kin 011, 'If\/ P uth I'. H.irri~. Ti I Larv E ninl, •11; ( l) 1vid C. Br,1df11tc, 'lH \ J\. \lbert,1 Cre wrll, '10 I I > I I l IJ I II 01 i( {' 111 ) l f)jlll , llh L .' I .\I I• l~. Cecil Burns,•,~ Bl' . I. LSS ST\ Fr ]. I' .. IcCorkcll,'l;j l 11.F. Uird,'l;j I t 1() ,11 , ·d , r :\[ 1111 lllll If S H.:i t v I d ,r Ln, ii I. ll111 1\ lu,11111 I·. lit ,r ;\lgr. ,111d Tre,1,. As. 't \I gr·. Da, id C. Brad ht·, 'lfi Sub-.cirptiun ;\I 11,1g ·r Editorial. The t piC' for f'hr' tian Enc.lea\·or last a•bbabh eYening-, "!low to • lake the World Happi r·· i. one that can hardly be too seriou ly C'0n– sirt red. There are some \\ ho 111 ve mu •h the same attiti. 1 to,, nrtl m ro,ene·-- and Pt>-~imi,,m. that tlH old darky had to,,ard a dangerous mule he O\\ ned. On ng a::;}:ed why he clid not get rid of it, he n'– plied; ''Vi" ll, .:uh. I l a•e o gi in. H I \H're to tra.•e that mule off, h '<l r gard it a a per ·onal Yictory. He' been tryin' to er t rid of me for th la. t .-ix w k:--." "0Ill • J er.ple ar apparently afraict to throw off their ombe1 ne,s and fac tl.e \\ orld ,, ith a smile, for fear of h rr,I erne r garding i a a 1c tory. Ho\\ ev r, it goes without ~aJ ·ng that ·noh a type of men and \ om n are not wantP(l in thP ,,n11cl to-rlay. The kind of men anll womrn, o ' ancl ronn~. that are wantPd, are tho,p "ho C' rn . y ,, ith h poet: