The Gavelyte, March 1915

EDAR VILLE OLLIJ~E "Taint no use to grnmlbl e and ,complain, It's just as easy to be hapipy and rejoic . "\'\'hen God sorts out ,Uhe weat1:: er and sends rain, "\V'y rain's my choice." 7 The person we all like lo meet, is the on who has a glad smile and a h,earty handshake or a p'I aisant wo1 d for Gveryone no matter \\~hether it lbe clear or cloudy. Such a 1::1pirit is contagious and 1 pac:ses from one to another and like the arro-w shot into Jthe air, it falls to the • earth, we Irnow not where. Su•ch a s 1 1>irit mighit w 'll lbe caJqed a. virtue and is one we chou:1·1 all ndeavo r to ·ult ivate. ft will 1brin°· ha,p•pint-ss not only into tlhe lives of others but into our own lives. Last year tJhe gitls w re delighted one morning when they found t,heir l' tudy room all fixed u,p with a ne 1 w rug and lable. But their d - Jk:lht was no greater t1Lan tha,t of the 'boy s las,t we k w 1 hen tihey found that some 1 pa1ities had been visiti ng their a1partments also. "\Vith a fine new rug, varnished flo-ors, lace curtains and a new table cover, and best of all a rc,0king chair the r oom was scarcely .recogn.iza1ble. "\Ve have teen rF•vised as to the ca r e that should 1be spenit on tJhese and it is u,p to m: now to show our appre1ciation to the "\Vomen's Advisory ·Board w,~o made tihese t'hirugs pos,sib'le. As hairman of lt·he committee !Jbat was appointed lo extend, a v·oite of tQianks to t 1 he Advisory Board ifrom the "Boys" of tihe col].e1ge, we wish t·o use this medium to ex1press our me-st he any thanks for t'he room which is alt our dis 1 po, al. We extend an invitation to everyone to coime and spend a day in our new l cca,tion. Don't forget that the "Cedras" will ·be the best that ,has ever 1be n pur._Iished unt~,er the name of "C. C." If you have nolt ordered one from tr.e ManagEr yet be sure to do it immediat 'ly as there will 1 be a very slim c-hance to get one after 1tJhe contracted nturn 1be,r is sold. •Every alumnus as well as every student and friend will find t•his "annual" of a very keen intereft. It is to be a pidtu r e ,book ,from cover to cover. The article, "Alumni," by Rev. J ohn "\V. Bickett, in this number merits a careful perus,al. Mr. Bick eitt •gr,a, -•:.iated with the first cla:ss of "C. •C." eiglh.teen y ars ago and is now and has been during all these a 1oyal friend of the col'lege. His article was not wriltten just tor "effect," but to set forth his true atti,tu 1 ·•e. He means just what he say~ and ,w,hat he says is true. That is w 1 hy it s,hould 'be care.fully read.