The Gavelyte, May-June 1909
g++++++++++++++++ + + + ROCKHOLD & WALKER + + + + Staple I Groceries I Fancy + + + + Tinware=-·Enameled ware-==Wooden ware. + t All Fruits and Vegetables in Season. i + + + Cakes, Candy; + + Cigars, Tobacco and Notions. + + + + The New Store with a Fresh Stock! + t Jamestown = = Ohio. i +. + ~++++++++++++++++++++++++~ STARLING-OHIO MEDICAL COLLEGE Mergement of STARLING MEDICAL COLLEGE AND THE OHIO MEDICAL UNIVERSITY Departments of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy Associated Hospitals: PROTESTANT, ST. FRANCIS, HAWKES, ST. ANTHONY'S, LAWRENCE, S TATE, AND OHIO J>ENITBNTIAR Y SESSION for 1909=10 OPENS WEDNESDAV, SEPTEMBER 22, I GEO. M. \VATERS, M.D. , Dean Department o f Medi c in e II. 1\f. S1•:MANS, D.D.S., Denn De partment o f lk nti s try JI. R . Il T' RTIACHRR, r. .PH.,Dean I>, p arlmcut of Ph a rmacy F o r Catalogut- a ncl Informa tion Adclre~s, Starllog·Ohlo Mtdlcal College -700-716 Park St. COLUMBUS, O .
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