The Gavelyte, May-June 1909
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 109 Reminiscences. I can still see Cal Morton making that PROF. F. A. JURKAT. home run in the Sabina game, and recall when John Finney was no In the midst of his shipwreck, i bigger than Bobbie Dean. But we Aeneas tells his comrades to cheer I had better quit before we get down up, for some day the recollections of I to individual cases, or we may rnn their past troubles will be a source I into a libel suit. , of j,,y to them. Accordingly we are j glad that those times are past I Starling College. when tho:,e lamb like brothers of I the class of 1900 m:ed to throw : Those students who have an in– erasers at each other, and that the I clination toward medicine or dentistry dexterity then acquired is being uti- or pharmacy, would do well to read lized in throwing missiles at the the announcement of Starling Ohio enemy of souls. We remember tho~e I Collegr, in the adverticsini section of gloomy days that followed the picnic this paper. St:1rling Ohio is a merge– of '93, when tuition WdS so hard to j ment of Starling Medical College and culled, \.\ hen second-hand books II Ohio Medical University. At present rented for one-fourth of the purchase , one of our Alumni, Mr. Claude Estle, µri ct', and when the old board-walk , 1 is taking his course there and is well up to the College barked the shins of pleased with the work Catalogs can thP unwary pedestrian. We recall I be obtained by addressing the Reg– the old habit of making up studies on I istar. the side, and what a howl was raised I _v. hen the practice was discontinued. I Professor:- ''You're canned." We recollect the time that Elder j Student- ''What for'!" lo~t that $20 bill, and how the class , Professor:- ''Never mind I'll find of '97 gave a class-night performance I some reason between now and the on one day's pradh.:t'. We cal~ to 1 1 time for you to IHave." mind when every s tuder,ts' organiza- tion had money in the trea::;ury and I Mrs. McChesney: (to Grace com– all debts paid, when the foot-ball j ing in at a very lat e> hnur) H:m t ht> team went through a season without I light gone out? losing Lut one game, and how our Grace: - I think not for I havt• baf-w-1,.all Hquad avPngPd a "14 to O I been 0 11 tlw por<' h all rv<•11i11g- aud ii, l)..,fpat with a (;.J to O vid.ory. We haRn't gonP pa8t nw.
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