The Gavelyte, May-June 1909
11 ( l THE GAVELYTE, ----- ------,------------------- Alumni N e ws . PROF.. J. R. fITZPATRICK, '04 . Sin-ce the last issue of the Gavelyte, /Galbreath, Edith Morris, Ruth Flatter, the Home-Coming Committee has not !Roy McFarland, C. C. Morton, J.C. been idle. Almost three hundred in- I George, Roy Marshall, Louise Smith, vitations have been sent out to Old I George Stewart, Mary Little, Belle Students, Professors and Alumni. i Middleton, J. C. Marshall, Gowdy About seventy-five or eighty have J' Williamson, Mary Ramsey, Ohmer answered and out of that number Tate, Paul Ramsey, Mrs. Frank Goe, about fifty-five have sai'd · that they! Walter Condon, Carrie Rife, John would come. With these prospects ! Tash, Mr. and Mrs . R. B. Wilson, the Committee is v'ery much E;n- j Walter Shaw, Mrs. Clarence Northup, couraged. . A great number of j J. M. Finney, Anna Robb, Mable Robb, answers are yet expected. j Mrs. Eva R. Dean, R. B. Shaw, Olin The Athletic As.sociation has ap- Dobbins, Wallace Riff', Frank H. pointed one of the students to take I Dean, ~'red Clemans, Edna Townsley. charge of the Field Day exercises: . Florence Russel. A number of contests are to be I John Finney and Genrge Stewart arranged in which ' the 'Alumni and are home from Medical College. Old Rtudents may take part. The R W lt C d f Cl · . . 1 b k I ev. a er on on, o anon, greater number will hke y be ac on I , · b k f . th H · C · d Th d . I ov~ a, 1s ac 01 e ome- ommg. Wednesday an urs ay. The following persons have signi- j Prof. L. T: Marshall .will soon leave fled their intention to attend: ; to take up h1S new duties as Clerk of Mary Cooper, H. 8. Stevenson, !Court at Xenia. Sarah McCown, Ethel Collins, Margaret I Dr. J. C. George, of Dayton State Rife. Pearl George, Mr. and Mrs .! Hospital, visited his parents here C. G. Ware,. Mrs. D. L. Crawford, I from Saturday until Monday. Andrew Wrnter, Margaret Lackey, R d M R B w·1 , ev. an rs. . . 1 son are Foster McMillan, Roy Henderson, I . . . M w·i , . t , M t v1s1tmg rs. 1 sons _paren s, r. Lulu Henclerson, .Jay Wolford, Luella d M J O a JI! h h . an rs .. ames rr, an w1 e ere Wright Raymond Bull, Joe Finney, f th H C · ' , . or e ome- oming. W. H. Hanna, W. R. braham, Mr . ar.d Mrs. Milton Han~a, Carrie Prof. J. C. Marshall has resigned Hutehison , Ina Mur<lock. Charli->s Ihis position as Supt. of the Township
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