The Gavelyte, May-June 1909

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 111 I . SchooL' and will study law next I turned mto a croquet court by mem- 1 bers of aunt Mary's club. . I winter. Rev. and Mr-. Milton Hann~, of 1 1 R. W. Ustick has been elected Apple River, Ill., are the guests of I Secretary of the State Oratorical As– Rev. Hanna's pa"ents, Mr. and Mrs. 1 sociation. G. C. Hanna. i G · h' h d h N h. 1 ettmg 1g tone ere. ot mg Local News. I less than the .Juniors banquet the I Seniors. I The H. S. Commencement exercises j GRACE BECKLEY. '12 1 1 d h C C · t Reportern I WEND ELL l•'osTRR, , 12 _ i revea e t at . . was going o se- Au Revoir! 1 c_ure some able material next Autumn. , The Gavelyte has a large family of Bye, 1.. eniors! \ advertisers this month. Let Cedar- A uf Wiedersehen ! ! ville people show appreciation by . I helping those who help us. Dancing taught by monkeys at the I f'lub evPry evening. · l Editor ''Gavelyte"- Well, haven't Have you paid your subscription l you been 'fired' yet? for the Gavelyte yet? i 'l'ypesetter: - N o, nor I ~?n't expect to be as long as you bring ce>py' into Have you seen Wendell Foster's ! this office. ' new hat? It\; a present. / " . Chairman social committee: Have A to ~;a_m ~hr.ode~ fo:~ a good i you the punch ready for the re- defin1 t1on of chscnmrnat10n. I ception, Ritter?" It's commencement week bring \ Ritter: "Yes I've a punch that will ~our hatchPt and lend a hand in lift- j knock them out in one round." rng. j Shaw (in Senior Play)- ''No, I'm a The last term of this year has been I Zebra." so filled, that it glided by a-; though I Snigglefritz- "I3etter say a giraffP, a dream. I Shaw." Wm. Waide is a Freshman in the Shaw (blushing) "Bnt ir,'s not in 11 . I k ,, senior class play. Can't you te It my nee . by his ad ions. I Dr. McChesney and .Presi.dt>11 t ~l_e- 1 lr. M<"ClwsnPy's ynrd hns hPrn I Kinney wrr(~ ahRf'nt 111 Plnladi,)ph1a.