The Gavelyte, May-June 1913

The Gavelyte VOL. VII . MAY AND JUNE, 1913. NO. 6 Commencement V/eek. BACCALAUR::::ATE SERMON. The Baccalaureate sermon was delivered Sabbath evening, June 1, by D r. McKinney the President of t he college. The se rmon was one of ve ry good quality and advice well worth taking was given in behalf of the Senior class. CLASS NIGHT. Monday evening, the Senior class gave their play in the opera house , before a good audience The title of the play was "Polly in Politics." It illustrated the method of twentieth century politics together wi t h twentieth century, love making, A thread of love ran thru the whole play, Miss Lau ra Wright played the put ot Polly with Raymond Williamson and W end all Foster her rival suitors. Polly's father and one of her lovers. her be!5t as it turned out. were rivals for "speaker of the house.'' The pl ay ended wi th Polly winn;ng in all her plans, after much scheming had been done. Every– one enjoyed the play and were well p leased in every respect. FACULTY RECEPTION. Tuesday evening was given to the annual banquet of the F acult y. The Carnegie Library was be autifully decorated for the occasion. A w.rge crowd of the students and friends of the college gathered together a nd enjoyed an evening of social time. The play given hy the Juniors was very good. The title of the play was "The Dress" The college orchei;t ra furnished the mucl1 enjoyed music of the evening. Everyone vot ed this re– ception the best yet given by the Faculty. l\l USIC R J·,CLTAL, The Music Recital was given in the R. P. Church, Wednesday evening, June 4. The program consisted of piano solos and duets, quartetts, cho rus aud selections by the orchestra. The variation ot the program made th e eve11i11g very enjoyable The ability of different ont-s goes to show that Mrs. l{us el, the iustructresi- of the musical department, is very capable.