The Gavelyte, May-June 1914
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE One is forcibly reminded tlhiese spring d,ays of the oM and wi,s·e mot to "Nev;er put off till tomorrow what you can do t,oday." The tendency, however, is v,islilbliy i:n the othieT d1recti•on. T'he circu,m– stances of the Oeidanniae studein.t bod,y a!'e pe,culi:ar. Many ,of the stude1Tuts live in the ·country and ·c·on– sefquently ,anything extr,a meams •ext•ra MERELY A SUGGEST ION. work and th,£,n extra time af.te, r the work is dion•e, going 11.ome. A greiat ,many .affairs are 1held in the sprin,g durin,g the laist ,mion,t:h of the ,college year. Students b ecome so. •busy that lesrnns are weH-nigh n egle-cte•d. This is not as it should be. The cl,a,s's work ,a,t the •closei ,of the term lis just as i1mp·o1rtant as at ,any otheT time. The 1 01R 1 fy rem,edy for ,tihis, whic1h we s 1 eie is to ap·po•int a co,mm'ittee to more ·eiven 1 ly distribute tJhese even•ts tJhroug;h1out th.a college year. .Ma,ny weeks last fall pas,s,e1d, without a sin,gle fo~mal event. T 1 hink it over ,and then let your o pinion be known. Dou 1 btles s the s,tJu d<ents of Ceda,rville Oollege will be ,s·cattered over s•ev•eral states this summer. Here is a good ,c·h,ance to s,h:ow your loyalty 1am:l coHege sipirdt. When you get ,a good chance to talk Ced1ar– V1ille let yom light sih1ine, anid s·peak l'i1ght up without feaJl' and teH BOOST THE !COL L EGE T H IS SUMMER. your lis1tener just whiat we are doing at ·Cedarville. Tell him we are making cih'arn,cter which i,s 1 like l,eav·e n, s 1 oon af– ,fectirug the whole. He en thusiactic o.ver 'it, and ,he will be impl'essed. Students, r emelffilber th-at we 1are the l'ife of ,the in- stitution and the more of us there are the more interesting and profit– able will be our college cours·e. If you know any10,Il'e w'h 1 0, wi,s 1 hes• col– lege literature, t:ihe Gavel•yte feels free i,n saying that i•t will be gladly supplied. Try the 'Plan this summer an•d s 1 ee ih!o,w it ,wo,rks. Bits of Locals -The Gavelyte wishe:s .to 1 thiank in behalf of the fa.culty of Cedar– ville College the kind Freslhman clas::, , the 1 b ,auty of wh:os 1 e re 1 cent gift to the campus is much ( ?) aippr ciated. --Student: Hazel, did you ever feel any whi!'kers? Hazel: Oh, yes! ,Lobs, of t:h 1 E m. -Patr,onfae tJhos·e ,wh,o patronize us-we mearu our advertisers. -Studenit: Say, Hoff, how do y,ou like to kiss a gil'l? Hoff: Oh, it's alright, but I don'L like to find a little eyebrow 011 her upper lip. 9
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